Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?
Jul 10, 2015 more
A romantic attraction is an emotional feeling that draws one to want the other person who you are romantically attracted to to reflect back to oneself. A sexual attraction is a feeling of sexual desire for another person. One can be romantically attracted to someone and not feel sexually attracted to them and vica versa.
Jul 10, 2015 more
Romantic attraction is who you want to date. For example, a woman who wants to date men is heteroromantic, and a woman who wants to date women is homoromantic. Sexual attraction is who you want to have intercourse with. If we take a different woman; a woman who wants to sleep with men is heterosexual, and a woman who wants to sleep with women is homosexual. Your romantic and sexual orientations do not have to be the same; some people are heteroromantic bisexual, or homoromantic heterosexual, and there are nearly endless combinations and possibilities.
Jul 10, 2015 more
in a romantic attraction you feel the duty to protect the person and make them feel happy and okay and in the sexual attraction all that matters is the pleasure
Jul 10, 2015 more
Romantic Attraction encompasses a number of factors which include love, companionship and care for the other person in the relationship as well as sexual attraction. Sexual attraction usually lacks the first three factors and looks just at the instant gratification to get the urge met.
Jul 11, 2015 more
Romantic attraction is who you love, sexual attraction is who you desire in a physical sense. Romantic and sexual attraction can be different, and this is most frequently found in the asexual community - so they still desire and feel that closeness of a romantic relationship, but do not feel physical attraction to their partners.
Romantic attraction and sexual attraction are different despite what many people think. The two do not always go hand in hand. Romantic attraction can be hard to describe, but in the simplest form and in my understanding it is the romanticizing of a person. Sexual attraction in its simplest form is desiring a specific person in a sexual way.
Jul 11, 2015 more
Romantic attraction is on a more emotional level. Sexual attraction is more about lust. Though the two can be confused romantic attraction is more about how the person understand how you feel emotionally and the way that they meet your emotional needs. Sexual attraction is more about the way that you too connect sexually. Or the way that you think that you'll connect sexually.
Jul 11, 2015 more
Romantic attraction results in a sexual attraction, not vise versa, for example if I m romantically attracted to someone , then sex won't matter, I just like the personality of that person, sex will probably follow as a basic need to make the relationship strong and intimate, but if I m sexually attracted to someone, it would be a relationship based on interest, a need of the moment, that will end up soon, and with it the relationship.
Jul 11, 2015 more
Romantic is kissing, cuddling, holding hands. Sexual, is having sex. An asexual person may want to kiss or hold hands, but not have sex.
Jul 11, 2015 more
romantic attraction is what someone does for a person and that other person is attracted to what they are doing or saying to them. Sexual attraction is like your only sexually attracted to them not in love
Jul 11, 2015 more
Romantic attraction has more to do with your emotions and feelings for someone. It doesn't even have to include sexual attraction at all. You want to love the person and just be with them/around them. You just want them to be happy. It could include wanting to hug them or cuddle with them, but it doesn't include anything sexual.
Sexual attraction is just the want to have sexual relations with someone. Their body and appearance is pleasing to you and you want to have sex with them, plain and simple. It doesn't have to include any romantic attraction at all.
These two things can coincide, but they don't have to.
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