Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?
Apr 12, 2016 more
Romantic attraction is felt for long periods of time, consistently, while sexual attraction is usually superficial and short term.
May 11, 2016 more
Romantic Attraction + Lust = Sexual Attraction
Jun 5, 2016 more
Well, I feel that romantic attraction is based on you liking that one person for their personality and looks. Sexual attraction is more of you love just their body and you know... wanna have sex.
Jul 12, 2016 more
Our sexuality exist along a number of dimensions. I found a great deal of peace in knowing that my identity is so much more complex that simply saying gay or straight. Some of the dimensions of our sexuality are romantic orientation, sexual practice, and sexual fantasy. We may be romantically attached to a male, have had sex only with females in our lives and fantasize about both. All of those things can be true at the same time. Speaking of time, where we fall on those dimensions may change as we age or the importance of one will outgrow another. I hope this helps. I wish you peace. ~J
Aug 22, 2016 more
You should come out when and if you feel safe, and you feel it would make you happier. Don't come out if you believe it could create a bad environment, or if it would make you unhappy. You don't ever have to come out to friends or family if you don't want to.
Sep 6, 2016 more
Attraction by itself is a part of a larger bond between two people. I have never felt sexual attraction against someone who I did not want to get romantically involved with. In the same way, I have always wished to have physical intimacy with someone I thought of as romantic. For me, sexual attraction is an important part of a romantic relationship. Sexual fantasy or obsession, however, is different and shallower.
Jan 24, 2017 more
Being attracted to the person itself vs being attracted to the person's body. That is the difference.
Apr 3, 2018 more
the easiest way to understand is to consider physical attraction compared to attraction to someone’s personality traits. Romantic attraction is when you’re attracted to a person because you like their personality and would like a non-sexual relationship. whereas sexual attraction is the attraction to someone physically, wanting a sexual relationship with them.
Jun 19, 2015 more
Well, romantic attraction and sexual attraction are defined differently depending on the person. Romantic attraction to me is emotions, and sexual attraction is something physical.
Jun 19, 2015 more
Romantic attraction can be to sort of seek romance, that you want someone to be there, you want to love them selflessly and accept them and they make your heart flutter, it is more of the person and who they are and what kind of relationship you want from them, that determines romantic attraction. Sexual attraction can be defined in terms of pure lust, you want to have sex with them, which is normal, don't worry. You may not care that much about their personality or how they are but it is your very animal instinctual force driving you to a want to fulfill the the sexual need.
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