Jul 22, 2016 more
No, its wrong to be a racist/a gay basher. Be happy with the way you are. Make you happy first.
Dec 11, 2014 more
Well that question is based on opinion really. You can ask a thousand people and you're almost 100% of the time going to have different answers from most of them. The answer to the question is not fact, it is based on the opinion of the person asked. Who may truly believe their opinion is fact.
Dec 21, 2014 more
no, it never is. it is up to you to choose you who want to love or like. i know there would be people around saying that it is wrong but that is their ideology not yours so just let it go and concentrate on your own opinion
Jan 3, 2015 more
it's never wrong to be gay. it's never wrong to love someone you love, even if you did have a choice in it. i am bisexual, clearly i never chose my sexual identity but i can choose my partner, this may not be the same thing as choosing sexual identity but it's pretty close. regardless of the situation, sexuality does not correlate with immorality. the only time it ever seem "immoral" is to those who are falsely presented and benefit from our heteronormative society and are bigoted.
Apr 10, 2015 more
Not at all. Is it wrong to be cis? Straight? Nope, it's just a normal part of life, you fall in love, grow old and be happy. Being gay is just who you're attracted to, that's not a bad thing!
May 1, 2015 more
Its not wrong to be gay. Its just who you are, you can choose to love whatever gender you want. Some people might tell you its wrong but its not they just don't understand. Don't let them convince you. Find out for yourself. Your not alone there are others who ask the same question and feel the same way. (like me for instance I asked this question) Just be who you are and if you love/like someone of the same gender, Good For You! By just being who you are will help you find exactly who you are. Its not wrong just don't fall on the wrong sides of gay.
May 23, 2015 more
No, I don't think it's wrong to be gay. It's not my place to judge and/say whether it's wrong or not. It's no one else's place to make that judgement call either. Like the saying goes, if you don't like gay marriage or gay people, then don't marry or date a gay person. Society needs to accept people how they are and love and care for them just like they would any other person. So, no, it's not wrong to be yourself and love who you want to. We all deserve these basic human rights.
Jun 6, 2015 more
No, it is perfectly normal and five to be gay. Lots of people are gay. You are born like this and you cannot change who you are, and being who you are is the best thing to be because there is only one of you, and you are special in your very own way!
Jun 30, 2015 more
No its not wrong to be gay, human nature is judging and we live in a world full of rules and superstitions. Gays existed since forever the only difference is earlier they were not noticed and there were not enough rules to stop then rules of heterosexuality came in and people stopped accepting anything else. still people felt the way they were gay, lesbian, pansexual, transsexual, bisexual the only thing is they could not disclose it. The rules are man made but love is natural and nature never made the rules saying its wrong to fell different otherwise it would have never existed in the first place.
Jul 1, 2015 more
No not at all, people love who they love. Its completely okay to love whoever you love. You being you is not wrong. people may tell you its wrong but they are just bullies.
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