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Profile: PFunk99
PFunk99 on Oct 9, 2015
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
I have wrestled with this question a lot. I am a Christian and a Bi male. I have found that looking into the context of Bible verses used to condemn us, has helped me understand that is NOT a sin to be LBGTQ or whatever label you identify with.
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Profile: positiveWhisper24
positiveWhisper24 on Mar 14, 2015
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
No. It is OK to be any of those things, and you will not "burn in hell" or anything like that. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender is who we are, and it is not necessarily something we can choose or change about ourselves. Some faiths believe that it is a sin to identify as one of those things, but at a closer look, you'll find that there are LGBT people of all faiths and religions, even practicing.
Profile: Hayward1998
Hayward1998 on Mar 14, 2015 more
No, i am a lesbian and it is far from a sin to love someone of the same sex. I believe in equality, i believe love is love. you can love anyone. you cant help the way you feel or who you fall for. its who you are and you should never change that and never be ashamed of that.
Profile: Randy1
Randy1 on Apr 8, 2015 more
This is a complicated question and depends entirely on whether or not you belong to a Church that follows the New Testament or one that prefers the Old Testament. "Sin" is by definition a religious word. Technically, the Old Testament I believe does allude that homosexuality is a sin, but the New Testament says almost nothing at all about it. Lots of religious people like to cherry pick verses from the Bible to fit their warped view of the world, but if we took the entire Old Testament into account, pretty much everything we do is a sin. Tattoos are a sin. Working on Saturday is a sin. The list goes on and on. but then Jesus Christ came along and died for us and forgave us our sins, so I'd like to think that no, in point of fact, it is not a sin, though fanatics may tell you otherwise.
Profile: RadioSnooze
RadioSnooze on Oct 9, 2015 more
People can be so hard on our community. Some people might believe it is, but remember that these people are just following what's been written down in a book that has been translated hundreds of times. Some people don't understand that being something other than straight isn't a choice, and it's been a constant thing since the beginning of time. If you are christian and belive in god, i promise that he will love you and care for you no matter what your gender or sexuality is. God is meant to be a peacful man, not someone who creates beings and makes them suffer for being who they were made to be.
Profile: rubyjenni123
rubyjenni123 on Oct 8, 2015 more
no. its not. love is love.
Profile: Brittneym101
Brittneym101 on May 21, 2015 more
Being gay, lesbian or bisexual is a sin in the terms of the Bible, but that doesn't mean that God loves you any less you are still one of his children/creations and he is one person that will never disown you no matter what. However, we can't help who or what we fall for. Sometimes we just have to go with what's in our hearts and trust me nobody, not even the holiest of the holiest live their daily lives by the Bible so don't stress yourself out over it. Nobody is perfect and anyone that thinks they are needs to get a serious reality check. Never be afraid to be yourself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 7, 2015 more
Of course not! It's nature. If it's wrong for people to be gay, bi, lesbian, ect., then really wouldn't Jesus Christ have been wrong to forgive prostitutes and thieves and invite them to dinner?
Profile: Freyja
Freyja on Aug 25, 2015 more
This depends. Some people who are Christian or Catholic believe it is, but in reality it definitely is not. Being in love is not a sin in the Bible. It is, in fact, encouraged. Therefore you have the right to love whoever you want :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 24, 2020 more
Yes, it is. I know this is not a popular opinion and one that those with inappropriate and excessive influence in the media try to block. I will debunk the following excuses folks use to say it is not a sin. 1. "Love is love." -- If you mean platonic love or the healthy love you'd have for your own family members, or even basic human kindness, then this is true. However, this does not apply to sexual love. Emotionally healthy people tend to avoid having sex with minor children, animals, the deceased, members of the same sex, and members of incompatible cultures. 2. "Gay sex is no different from straight sex" -- Yes it is. A woman is created with the correct opening for having sex with a man, a man is not. When a straight couple emulates gay sex by putting a penis in the mouth or the anus, they are showing how much they hate themselves and disrespect their own bodies and those of others. Even gay marriages are not the same as straight marriages. Yes, straight couples cheat, but gay couples are more likely to agree on open coupling where cheating is not only expected but encouraged. In the '80s, a sensible Surgeon General warned that nobody was to have anal sex, with or without a condom. 3. "God created you as gay." -- No, He did not, and that is quite blasphemous to say. The Bible said that God created everyone as male or female. Nowhere does the Bible say that God created anyone as gay. God would never create you to be something that His word clearly condemns. 4. "There is a gay gene, and that gives me a free pass to commit gay sex acts." -- As of yet, there is no gene that has been discovered that actually causes someone to have compulsive attractions to members of the same sex. There are genes however that make it easier to be gay such as the "rebellion gene." That gene causes people to take more social risks and care less about what others think. There is speculation that there is an addiction gene that up to 70% of addicts have. What traps people into homosexuality is the rush that comes from gay sex and an addiction to that rush. 5. "Gay couples are just as well-adjusted as straight couples." -- That is not true. Instead, gay couples are more likely to live chaotic lives that lack healthy boundaries. Substance abuse is more common in gay households, and in households with kids, the substances are likely to be used in front of them. Violence and jealousy are common themes. 6. "But there are gay Christians." -- Chances are, if someone is gay, they have never really trusted Christ to come into their lives and heal them of this character defect, or they are a backslidden Christian. Most Gay "Christians" do not put Christ first, they put their orientation and sexual activities first. The Bible makes it clear that you cannot have 2 masters. One will always dominate. 7. "Those who oppose the choice and behavior of homosexuality are full of hate." -- No they are not. They are simply trying to help protect others from harm. Since gayness is driven by rebellion and hatred of normalcy, of course, others will cry foul when you seek to place limits on this maladaptive, addictive behavior.
Profile: summerUndecided847
summerUndecided847 on Jul 27, 2015 more
No, God loves you exactly the way you are and wants you to be happy as long as you're not hurting anyone, which you're not.
Profile: charmingApple31
charmingApple31 on Sep 21, 2015 more
Not at all! Being part of the LGBT+ Community makes this answer very easy. It's kind of scary to think that some people might say yes.
Profile: insightfulApricot11
insightfulApricot11 on Jan 10, 2016 more
Depending on your faith, being gay or lesbian or bisexual could be considered a sin. However, it is a thing that you can not change about yourself, and you can be these things and also be faithful to your religion. You are the one to decide what is right in your life, and what makes you happy, so make it count.
Profile: heartfulTurtle52
heartfulTurtle52 on Sep 21, 2015 more
No. Being any part of the LGBT society is not a sin. I believe in being true to yourself. Be yourself and don't let anyone else tell you different. Being gay or bisexual is who you are. You can't and shouldn't change. more
Absoluetly not! Most people are right handed, does that make left-handers a sin? No! Not everyone is the same. We all have different interests.
Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Jun 19, 2018
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
"Sin" is a concept that means different things for different religions and moral perspectives. I know there is a lot of prejudice about it. But I would like you to reflect on one thing: loving someone of the same sex does not hurt or damage anyone. How could a relationship with two men or two women harm people in any way? The people involved with the relationship experience love just like all people do, and people outside the relationship aren't affected in any way by it. How can something that doesn't harm anyone and makes two people experience the beautiful power of love be a sin?
Profile: Sempiternal199
Sempiternal199 on Jan 22, 2015 more
Of course it's not a sin. Liking someone of the same sex is just as natural and normal as someone liking the opposite sex.
Profile: EmberT
EmberT on Jun 3, 2015 more
No. If you believe in a god, remember that he created you this way. The bible actually doesn't say much about being gay, lesbian or bisexual, there are conflicting opinions about the Sodom/Gomorrah thing.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 31, 2015 more
No, as a bisexual I am inclined to say that it is not. Although in some religions and people with extremists beliefs think that it is a sin. However God loves all his children so we're safe y'all don't worry.
Profile: justanotherhuman8
justanotherhuman8 on Oct 12, 2015 more
Absolutely not, no one should accuse people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community for being sinners, being gay or anything else is totally fine and natural, it's a person's choice and everyone must respect it!
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