If you could choose, would you have preferred to have a different sexuality then you have?
Feb 9, 2016
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Yes. I'm bisexual, and it would be easier, I think, to be either gay or straight. it's hard being any, I know, but being bi, one of the in the middle sexualites, you're subject to a lot of questions, and sometimes it's really difficult to be proud of it, and not ashamed.
Feb 27, 2015
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Simple answer, no. (Longer answer)Throughout my life, there were moments when I felt so alone, broken and different...I wished and yearned to be accepted and for a long time that made me wished I was what everyone would consider normal...even got me to pretend and tried to force myself to be something I'm not. But as life taught me lessons, I learned that I didn't preferred to be a different sexuality, that "being straight" wouldn't solve the problem because I wasn't the only one struggling and everyone deserved the same love and acceptance. So I learned not to wish or dream to be something I'm not and instead to do my very best to be comfortable with who I am and give others a space to feel happy being who they are.
Apr 6, 2015
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No. But I already asked myself how it could be. My spirituality teaches that every aspect of our lives is planned to be a challenge to self knowledge and spiritual growing. So, I'm fine with that. :D
Mar 2, 2015
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We all want to be accepted. Some time ago I would, but I came to a conclusion that it's the way I am, and to be truly happy I need to be proud of who I am. It may not be a easy thing to do, but it's worth it. Being happy with yourself.
Feb 26, 2018
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That’s a very interesting question.Actually,no because I’m very happy with who I am right now and don’t feel the need to change that.
Aug 19, 2019
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert
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Luckily, we can't choose! And I say luckily, because diversity is precious and beautiful. I wouldn't choose a different orientation but rather a different society, a more inclusive and open-minded one. But our orientations are part of who we are, they are our way to love and be happy, and they're all beautiful.
Oct 15, 2019
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No, that isn't for me! I'm bi, and to be honest I'm pretty glad and comfortable in it. i honestly don't see why I would want to change it personally, and it is the best of both worlds! If you are a person who is questioning his or her sexuality, i think that the best thing that you can do is to for one, not force labels onto yourself. Those will come with time. And two, just try to accept it. Accept your wants, needs, and preferences. They are nothing for you to ever, ever be ashamed of. Best wishes!
Apr 12, 2015
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Most definitely not. In terms of sexuality, I consider myself to be pansexual, which is commonly refered to as being gender-blind, meaning that I experience attraction to all genders, basically regardless of what their gender idendity is. I would never choose to change my sexuality because it's what makes me who I am, and I personally consider it something great to not be affected by what's on the outside.
Apr 23, 2015
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Short answer: No. Being bi has taught me openness and has allowed me to touch others like me. I also can always tell who the [insert negative word describing a person] is in the room because they give me an odd look when I announce that I'm bi (or say something about having a girlfriend) and that helps me filter out the dirt from my life. I am who I am because I'm bi and bi is what I am. If I were straight, I wouldn't be me.
May 16, 2015
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No. Embrace your sexuality, as you embrace yourself. Your sexuality is only a part of who you are, but without your sexuality, you would not be who you are.
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