I think I am attracted to girls as well as boys but I keep pushing my feelings for girls to the side because I keep thinking me feelings aren’t strong enough for me to be bisexual. Any advice?
Jul 30, 2018
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Bisexuality isn't always 50% attraction to one gender and 50% attraction to another. The intensity of your attraction doesn't define or invalidate your feelings. If you feel comfortable with the bisexual label- use it & own it! :) if not, that's okay. Labels can't always accurately convey the way we feel.
Jan 1, 2019
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Bisexuality isn't a 50/50 type of thing, you could be more attracted to boys than you are to girls while still being bisexual. Don't push the feelings to the side because they aren't being allowed to fully develop which is only making the situation more confusing. Don't force yourself to have feelings but any feelings that come along need to be allowed to develop in order for you to truly understand whether or not you might be bisexual. It might just be your mind playing tricks, but you might really not be straight. Don't limit yourself just because you think your feelings aren't what they should be for you to be bisexual. Bisexuality is a spectrum of different attractions that vary from person to person
May 9, 2022
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You don't have to love all girls to be bisexual! People have types sometimes and if you only like a girl that loves heavy metal music and has dreadlocks then that doesn't mean you are not bisexual. It just means you like girls that love heavy metal music and have dreadlocks! You get to choose what call yourself and if being bisexual is what you know you are then join the club! You should do what feels right in your heart! I know that might be an annoying answer but I can't decide which sexuality you are. I can only try and help you be who you truly are.
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