I have always been confused on whether sexuality is attraction to a specific sex or a specific gender?
Jan 18, 2015
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert
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That is an interesting, and very good, question! Usually, sexuality is considered an attraction to a specific sex, however, a lot of people consider gender to determine their attraction. A lot of these definitions are us attempting to fit everything neatly into categories, and the truth is, life is messy. Workable is the best you'll get with definitions. Sexuality could be considered a physical attraction, if you want to seperate it from romantic attraction, which you could then attribute to gender. I highly recommend watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXAoG8vAyzI
What matters most is your understanding and acceptance of yourself and the others around you, no matter what you call it. Best wishes!
Apr 12, 2015
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Sex is a biological aspect, where as gender is a society thing.
It may be a bit confusing, but... attraction is a spectrum when it comes to gender orientation and sexual orientation. There is no clear-cut answer, as there is not an on/off switch, it's more of a dimmer with different settings and everyone has their own preference.
May 23, 2016
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Gender. The answer is gender. Saying that it is based on sex can be seen as very transphobic, as it excludes people of different gender identities for the sake of another's sexuality.
Jun 6, 2016
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Sexuality is an umbrella term defined as "a person's sexual orientation or preference." This preference can vary widely, and is based on what a person finds attractive and/or appealing in another person. This wide range of sexuality preferences includes all sexes and all gender identities.
Sexual orientation, however, is a more specific label on a person's sexuality and refers exclusively to their sexual preference, not gender preference.
Jul 12, 2016
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I wonder if asking another question would be helpful? I wonder if it could be both. Sexuality is complex. We can be romantically attracted to a sex or gender, have sexual urges for another and have a fantasy life that has nothing to do with either. Sexuality and attraction, gender and its expression in our culture and language, and our romantic goals will change overtime. I know mine have. If they change over time then defining them at the moment can be as simple as saying, "right now I am attracted to this person or right now I feel like this.. And that's okay. We are all different people all through our lives. (A phrase stolen from Matt Smith) And that's okay. So long as you remember all the people you used to be. Who you are right now is okay. I wish you peace. ~J
Feb 18, 2015
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Both, neither, or either. If you are attracted to someone according to one or the other most of the time, than that's just your personal preference and not everyone is the same in that respect. Whether you are attracted to someone usually doesn't imply falling within rules of whether they are a specific sex or gender, but it could for you personally.
Jun 2, 2015
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Gender. Sex is based on biology, so in order to be attracted to someone's sex, you would need to first know their biological identity, including cellular composition, sexual organs, and similar things you can't tell by looking at someone. And many of which you'd never have cause to ask anyways. Gender is identity, who people are. If we are attracted to someone, it's most likely due to their identity and/or how they express their identity, not which reproductive organs they have.
Oct 25, 2015
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sexuality is very confusing in general, but i guess you can say both, it's referring to both of those things.
Mar 29, 2016
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Sexuality is the attraction to both gender and sex. For example, pansexual is the attraction to all genders and sexes. Its not limited to one or the other. It can also be attraction to multiple genders and sexes.
May 30, 2016
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I've never had strong thoughts about sexualities one way or another. If someone is attracted to someone else, that's all that matters. Through my classes, i've learned it in a more specific way, but it still just depends on the individual.
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