I am very confused about my sexuality. How can I determine what my sexuality really is?
Mar 19, 2016
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Time will tell. If you surround yourself with the right people and do some research on what you think you might be, go for it! You don't always need to label yourself and what your sexuality is, but you can always research different sexualities and determine yours that way.
Mar 19, 2016
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Give yourself time to work it out. Think carefully about how you feel before you go rushing into anything.
Mar 20, 2016
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Well, I suggest looking up every type of sexuality there is. Then think, "do I like the same gender, the other gender, both genders, no genders, ect and look up things along those lines.
Mar 23, 2016
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Google can help you look for labels that "click" with you, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter what you call yourself so long as you're comfortable being you.
Mar 25, 2016
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In today's society you don't really need to label yourself or come out.
Mar 25, 2016
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Don't think too much about it. If you like someone, you like them. you don't need a lable for this.
Mar 26, 2016
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Sexuality can be a long process to figure out. Experimentation can always help but is not always needed. I personally never kissed a girl but I know I am attracted to them. If you feel a certain box dosent fit there are endless sexualities and ones that don't need defining.
Mar 30, 2016
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When I began to question my sexuality it took me a while to try and deny it for a while dispite having a massive crush on someone of the same gender. I found the best way to be properly sure was to give it time, then you can be sure if you are gay or bisexual. Coming out to early can be embarrassing if you discover something different from what you originally said, for example if you come out as gay and later discover you are bisexual, it can be hard to come out a second time. When trying to discover whether I was gay or not, I would ask myself, 'if he/she asked me out, would I say yes' and I determined how I felt through that. Good luck to anyone coming out and you can always talk to me, even if I'm not online send me a message and I will reply.
Apr 2, 2016
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I think, it is very important NOT to lie to yourself. If you are living a lie, you can't ever be the real you deep inside. Think about your priorities. Who is the first person you are thinking about, when you wake up and go to sleep? Who is the one on your mind, when you are lonely? Who is the subject of every song you are listening to? No matter what your sexuality is, you are human. A beautiful human.
Apr 7, 2016
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My question is, Why? Do you really need to fold yourself into fitting into a predefined category? As long as you are not harming yourself or anyone around you, you shouldn't feel forced to succumb to a category. If the people around you are not willing to accept you as what you are then it's time to look for a more supportive company.
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