How to deal with falling in love for your best (and straight) friend?
Feb 4, 2015
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
Honestly? Love is a tricky matter. It's impossible to unlove someone once you do, but trying to pursue it will only cause hardship and heartbreak if their sexual orientation doesn't match up with your gender. The hard part is knowing you love someone you can never actualize a relationship with, and the only thing you really can do is ask yourself if that is something you can cope with while still remaining friends with the other person. Sometimes we can learn to be happy just having them in our lives, and sometimes we have no choice but to distance ourselves from the person to protect ourselves. Only you can gauge the impact of continuing to maintain a close friendship, and whether or not it would be beneficial to let them know that you are struggling with feelings for them, or if that would be detrimental or would cause a hostile reaction. Romantic love complicates things, but it may not mean the end of the friendship if you approach it carefully. It isn't wrong to feel, just remember that - even if the feelings aren't returned, your feelings are real and they affect you and unless you address them and what this means for you, you may cause yourself unnecessary prolonged suffering. It happens to a lot of people, and in the end you will be okay, but make sure to not belittle yourself or your feelings, because they are important, and try not to fall pitfall to the idea that something is wrong with you because there isn't. It is simply an unfortunate situation without fault. Best wishes.
Mar 27, 2016
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
I would tell you that everything will turn out great, but honestly, that's not the truth. There's not worse than having a crush on a person who's straight. The first thing you have to do is understand that you'll never be with your best friend. Don't give yourself false hope. You'll think that maybe, just maybe he'll/she'll turn out to like you, but there's a 1% chance of that happening. Now that I've set that straight, you'll need to distance yourself from your best friend a little bit. Seeing your bestie all the time will just deepen the feelings and that's not what you want. However, you don't want to be too distant or that might ruin your relationship. For straight crushes, patience and time is key. You won't get over him/her in one day, it'll take time, but eventually your feelings will end. I'm rooting for you! :)
Nov 4, 2016 more
Falling for a straight friend is always hard. This gets much worse when they're so close to you. In my experience, since it's usually impossible to make the crush/infatuation go away, the best thing is to pour your love into being a good friend. Make making them happy platonically the primary goal by being there for them, It'll help your friendship, you'll feel good about helping them, and it's always good to be nice to people. Apart from that, lots of tissues for tears and a good book for distraction while you're waiting it out.
Feb 17, 2015 more
I have suffered from this myself. You just have to hold back the moments where you want to kiss them, hold back the moments where you want to hug them. Maybe tell them that if they ever want to explore different types of relationships that you are willing to help.
Jul 12, 2017 more
Do not feel ashamed for your feelings for your best (and straight) friend. Talk to them about it. I know you're thinking that's the last thing you'd want to do and you think you'd ruin the relationship you've already established with them, but if you don't say something you never get the chance to see if it could turn into something better. I do not think your friend will absolutely hate you and get rid of you from their life. You have a 50/50 chance with it, either they'll appreciate you being honest with them with how you feel and try something more exclusive with your OR they'll still appreciate your honesty with how you feel but respectfully decline but will continue on wanting to be friends. With that, you're not being hurt by much, just know being friends is still a good thing to have. Just because they won't be your significant other like you'd like and feel for them, doesn't mean you two still cannot be best friends. You'd be surprised how people are in 2017. Don't be afraid to talk to them about it and maybe you'll be lucky and they'll feel the same way! If not, I doubt you'll stop being friends because of it. Good luck!
Sep 29, 2016 more
I know you probably don't want to hear this (trust me I didn't enjoy hearing it very much when I was experiencing the same problem with my best friend) but you have to move on and accept that it's not going to happen. Your friend is not attracted to the same sex, and therefore he/she doesn't return your feelings. I know it's extremely hard, but try and focus on finding someone new who is also a part of the LGBTQ+ community and shares your attraction.
Nov 16, 2016 more
TO say frankly, i've never been in such situation - to fall in love with a friend, but! BU! I was on other side - to be a beloved one person my close friend. It was unexpected for me to get know about his feelings. Really unexpected and i was lost and even confused. I didn't want to loose a friend...but i couldn't give him nothing more than my friendship. And we had serious open-hearted talk about it. It wasn't easy i can confess.... it wasn't easy also for me ( But i was needed to save our relations and continue to be close persons.
So, time goes on...and not mutual feelings have passed away.... but friendship and sincerety stay with us .
Feb 5, 2017 more
I'm going assume she's/he's definitely 100% straight. In which case, you simply must move on. It ain't gonna happen. So you're in the same crappy boat as all people (gay, straight, or bi) who love someone that doesn't love them back. It's terrible. It happens. It happens to almost everyone. We get over it, but it hurts like hell while it's happening.
Jun 12, 2015 more
There is basically no way this will end well, so you just have to ride it out until it fades. Try to hang out with queer people as much as you can to increase the chances of your attention turning to someone who can return it. Talk about it only to people who are completely unconnected to the friend, like a therapist or online friends--otherwise it will have a way of getting back to your crush. If possible, move away. DO NOT defiantly scratch your initials and theirs in a heart on the wall of a bathroom stall in a public place. Not um, like I ever did that or anything. *cough*
Mar 28, 2016 more
Take it slowly as you don't want to put your friendship at stake but at the same time, love is love, you never know so sometimes you just have to take the risk. Use your judgement :)
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