How do you know if your bisexual?
299 Answers
Moderated by Joe Nelson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Doctor of Social Work
Updated: Aug 2, 2020
Nov 15, 2019 more
I remember the emotions I went through when I first looked at another boy and felt attracted to them. It was confusing, and I had no idea how I was supposed to feel. I got through it by reaching out online and listening to other people's stories. It was a huge help to know that I was not alone, and that it was OK to feel that way. When I finally worked up the nerve to act on my feelings, I had a great experience! Of course, I have had bad experiences also, but I am definitely a stronger person for not being afraid to express my emotions with others.
Nov 17, 2019 more
If when you watch porn you tend to look at both genders in the same light and can watch separate videos of both genders get it on. I hate to be so blunt about it but this was how I discovered my sexuality as a bi woman. The thing with me is that I only connect emotionally and can be in relationships with men, but I am sexually attracted to both genders. That's where some people get confused about their sexuality. Always know that its okay to be bi, for me it took me some time to accept that fact about myself.
Nov 19, 2019 more
I’m attracted to both genders. I find both genders good looking and i’d have no problem dating either one. There’s no reason why you should be scared of coming out like i get it you’re scared but don’t be because if people really love you they’ll accept you the way you are. if you’re having any problems at home please solve them by talking it out in the good. But besides that, I’m attracted to both actual genders, female and male and im proud of it, never be embarrassed to show the real you and u mean that in so many ways.
Dec 29, 2019 more
I knew I was bisexual when I realized I was crying over both men and women. For me, it isn't about sex. If I can connect on an emotional level, then the rest comes easy. Consider whether or not you can see yourself living with a person for the rest of your life, regardless of their sex or gender. Sexuality is as much about love as it is about sex. Feel free to simply "be" for a while. Labels can be too restrictive, so live your life freely and figure the rest out later. I hope this helps you!
Jan 2, 2020 more
I think that this is something you dive deep within to find out. It's ok to take some time figuring out what sexuality you identify with the most, everyone has their own individual journey of finding this. Personally what helped me was to read up about the LGBTQIA+ community and the more I read, the less alone I felt. When I found out about Pansexuality everything just clicked for me and I knew that this is what I identified with the most. Another thing that helped me a lot was joining an LGBTQIA+ community group and having that support while I was working things out was really great!
Feb 9, 2020 more
Being bisexual is an umbrella term for many other sexuality's such as pan.I am bisexual,and though I cannot give my own advice I recommend you research what it means to be bisexual an see what category you fall under.You should remember that nothing is wrong with being LGBT,and once you figure out what your sexual orientation is OWN IT,never be ashamed of who you are,the LGBT community is a welcoming place,and will always support you.Knowing your bisexual,is something to be proud of however,I can't answer your question because I don't believe there is any specific thing to define your sexuality.
Feb 15, 2020 more
if you can imagine yourself feeling love for both genders, if your love stories in dreams and imaginary worlds give you partners of both genders, if you felt atleast once that your heart would skip a beat for both genders, there is a high chance you are bisexual. Being sure if we are bisexual is a tough thing to make sure and find out. at the end it might require a little bit of exploring and curiosity. for me, i was mostly bicurious before i found out i am bi. be open minded and ready to check out your thoughts but you don't have to label yourself until you feel sure and comfortable with it. if you really really want to, you can take the sexuality assessment tests that are always around online but don't depend on their accuracy completely. Lastly, you are who you are comfortable with, so if you are bi...enjoy the processof finding out and if you are not, well you tried out something new!! its great to explore out of the box :)
Feb 20, 2020 more
For years I struggled with this question. I knew that I had some attraction to women but I was more attracted to men and I had only dated men. I was so afraid of stealing someones identity or belittling the experience of people who were bi. It took a friend in college telling me that I was bi for me to finally feel like I wasn't hurting anyone by claiming that label. If you are attracted to more than one gender you are probably bisexual. If you later discover that your feelings have changed or you were wrong, that is perfectly okay. Sexuality is fluid and changing and it's okay to be wrong. My biggest advice is to just identify with whatever you are most comfortable with. Be true to yourself and don't feel like whatever label you choose needs to be a life sentence.
Feb 25, 2020 more
I'm not really sure how to explain this, but I know I'm bisexual because I have crushes on girls sometimes. I usually have multiple crushes at once and some are boys and some are girls. I became bisexual because a friend of mine told me she liked me and I agreed to be in a relationship with her just to see what it was like. It was my first serious relationship and my first kiss, and since then, I've been bi. I'm not sure how it happened, at first I had my girlfriend but I still only had crushes on guys, but I just kind of slowly made the transition, and I'm happy with the way I am now, although the girl and I aren't together anymore. I hope others can have more comfortable experiences on their path to being themselves.
Mar 1, 2020 more
I guess it’s different for everybody. As a female myself, a part of me has always known I wasn’t only attracted to guys, but girls too. For me it was confirmed when I fell head over heels in love with my female best friend when I was 15. I got my heart completely broken but I learnt that I have the capacity to love another girls, and I have dated both genders since then. It’s important to note that you don’t have to know who or what you are right now, everyone takes time in figuring it out. My advice would be to not label it if you’re not sure, just like who you like, love who you love and don’t worry about labels. Just be who you are my loves
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