How do I know if I'm gay, lesbian, or bisexual?
Apr 10, 2015 more
You find out who you like by dating everyone gay lesbian bi and you fit in maybe you like girls or maybe you like boys
Oct 12, 2015 more
Should you concern yourself with your sexuality or just accept who you are attracted to? If you feel an attraction towards someone and they feel it back towards you, what should stop you? I think it is best to ask "Why do I care about my sexuality?" I think as long as you are happy and doing the right thing while not feeling judged, then you are in your own right. Of course if you feel judged, ask yourself why, and take a step back from such judgement's and never let them control your decisions.
Apr 17, 2018 more
You will find out what fits you most. If you are strictly only considering those three sexualities, then it here is what they strictly are: being gay, or a type of homosexuality, is strictly between two men. being lesbian, a type of homosexuality, is strictly between two females. bisexuality is when a guy is attracted to both guys and girls or when a girl is attracted to both guys and girls.
Jul 26, 2015 more
If you don't already know it, don't hesitate to find it out because you will get to know yourself better over time.
But the feeling that you are gay, lesbian or bisexual is deeply inside you and only you can feel it. It's like having a crush on somebody, you can't control it because it is inside of you.
Jan 17, 2016 more
Well, first of all, you might not ever know! Some people know right away that they are gay or bisexual, others go their entire lives only to discover more about their sexuality much later on. The only really way you can tell is by identifying your feelings for other people, either in a relationship or otherwise. And there are many, many more sexualities than those three, so a little research could be useful to you. It's also valuable to remember that ultimately, you don't really have to know! You can still date whoever you like without labelling what you feel, and some people prefer that. However, if you think finding a name to identify with gives you peace of mind, there are lots of people to talk to, and lots of helpful things to read.
Jan 22, 2016 more
I think it is better if you don't stress too much about it. Live your life, being LGBT+ doesn't make you a different person, surround yourself with people who love you. Eventually you will end up with the love of your life, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion, etc. Be who you want to be in every moment. Love and respect others and yourself.
Jan 29, 2016 more
think about who you'd like to have sex with: look at naked pictures of different genders, research porn if you have to. you might also have no sexual attraction at all, which is also normal.
good luck :)
Jul 1, 2015 more
That's a bit of a tricky question, as sexuality isn't a black and white subject. It's quite complicated, actually. Gay and lesbian are pretty much the same thing, one is used for boys attracted to boys and the other is for girls attracted to girls. Bisexuality is when you're attracted to boys and girls. There are many, many more sexualities and more categories. I wouldn't try and put a label on anything, just let love happen and see where it takes you :)
Aug 12, 2015 more
youwl know that your gay or lesbian if you find a strong attraction to the same gender an you see them as a spouse. you know if your bisexual if you fell this way about both genders.
Aug 12, 2015 more
You will know your sexuality early in the teens usually, once you think you're attracted to a specific gender, that's usually the reality of it. When you think you are, you pretty much are even if you doubt yourself. It's you not wanting to accept it quite yet but it's normal and you'll find acceptance within yourself eventually.
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