How do I know if I'm gay, lesbian, or bisexual?
Oct 4, 2015
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
Im confused as im straight but started getting feeling for guys and started to like my friend even though I like girls
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![Profile: Erynn](
Nov 16, 2014 more
What a big question! First off, you are not alone in questioning your sexual orientation. Know that many, many, many people are also and have also asked themselves those very same questions.
Second, know that no one but yourself can find the answer! It's YOUR identity, and no parent, friend, mentor, or stranger can figure it out for you. This can be both terrifying and liberating.
Third, there isn't a "wrong" answer. Even if you later identify differently, whatever you identify with right now is still valid. It just becomes valid in the past tense. So, don't worry too much about being "right" and finding the "right" answer. Sexuality is often very fluid.
Fourth, it may help to read. Find out what each definition means. Listen to the stories of people who identify these ways. What does it mean to them to be gay, lesbian or bisexual?
Fifth, give yourself time. It's okay if it takes weeks, months, years to figure out. Just go with it. It took me until my second year of college to figure out my sexuality. You don't need to tell anyone until you are ready, and you don't need to label yourself unless it's what YOU want and it helps YOU.
Finally, it may help to journal to sort out your feelings. You might also seek out the LGBTQ community in some manner - online or in real life - to find support and information as you explore your feelings.
Best wishes friend. It'll all turn out okay in the end. :) Just breathe and give yourself the time and space to explore your feelings and thoughts.
![Profile: Scrivener](
Nov 15, 2014 more
Sexual orientation is just that - it's based on who you are sexually attracted to. It's one piece of a big picture, and it's rarely black and white. If you are primarily sexually attracted to your own gender, you call yourself gay. If you are primarily attracted to the opposite gender, you call yourself straight. If it's something in between, you might call yourself bisexual - but the truth is rarely that simple. Most straight people will have some interest in the same sex, even if they never act on it. It's the same for most gay people. Sexuality is complicated, and labels don't give the full answer.
![Profile: Gardeviola](
Nov 7, 2014 more
Well, which genders do you feel attraction for? Personally, I feel like everyone has felt same sex attraction at least once. Don't confine yourself to a label. I identify as Pansexual (Liking people regardless of any gender identity), and there is more than just straight, lesbian, gay, or bi. Sexuality is fluid. Hope this helps.
Nov 17, 2014 more
its is all about who you are sexually attracted too. one thing to keep in mind is that there are different sexualites besides those ones so don't limit yourself when discovering yourself. also there is big difference between sexual and romantic attraction. i hope that helped!
Nov 17, 2014 more
If you feel like you are attracted to someone of the same sex emotionally. It is normal to feel physically attracted to someone of the same sex, but if you could see yourself having a life with that person then you could be either gay, bisexual, or lesbian.
![Profile: DeadlyAlone](
Nov 19, 2014 more
You will probably understand it through your relationships. If you get attracted by the same sex then you are homosexual if you get attracted by both sexes then you are bisexual.
![Profile: LaurenSays](
Nov 5, 2014 more
Sexuality is a personal experience, and no one can define it but you. Do your research and do what feels right. Sexuality is fluid, and it exists more on a scale than in black and white. That being said, it is entirely possible to be gay and feel very minimal attraction to the opposite sex, or to be straight and have some gay thoughts. When it comes down to it, it's all what feels right for you.
![Profile: ChaiChelsea](
Nov 8, 2014 more
Figuring out your sexuality can be a very complex and personal thing. You can try looking at the Kinsey test online, and reflect on the questions as they pertain to you & your rating on the scale. You could also think back and ask yourself questions such as, who do you fantasize about the most? Who do you see yourself in both short and long term relationships with? Who do you have crushes on? How do you feel around people the same gender as you, and how do you feel around people of a different gender than you? Reflecting on these questions - perhaps even writing about them in a private journal - could help find you some peace and answers.
![Profile: MaiaPapaya](
Nov 6, 2014 more
Understanding your sexual orientation can take a lot of thought, and many teens (and even adults) are unsure of their orientation. So don't worry! Sexual orientation refers to someone's preferences in general, so a single experience doesn't define who you are, and you are more than who you find attractive. Sometimes putting a label on it can help, but other times it's just more confusing. Fantasies, conscious attractions, emotional and romantic feelings, and sexual behaviors are all indicators about your sexual preferences, and therefore your orientation.
![Profile: chamomilecompanion](
Nov 13, 2014 more
Sexuality does not have to be confined to sexual object choice. You can express your sexuality through gender presentation as well as the sexual behaviors you engage in. It is important to realize that sexuality is a social construction and therefore you can choose to identify yourself in the way that feels most natural, not by the way society constructs sexual identities.
![Profile: BlueSunTattoo](
Nov 12, 2014 more
Sexual beahavior is not the same as sexual orientation. If you have emotional feelings for another person of your same sex fits you into GLBTQ.
![Profile: Amandeas](
Nov 16, 2014 more
Trust yourself and your gut. Your sexual orientation is unique, and only you can decide who you are.
There's billions of sexual orientations. Asexuallity (not being sexually attracted to people at all) or pansexuallity (being attracted to men, women and everyone inbetween), just to mention two of my favorites.
![Profile: RabbleRouser](!!.jpg)
Apr 1, 2015 more
Personally, this was something I always just.. knew. It's very easy to tell what kind of person you are attracted to. Are those people not of the opposite sex, or at least some of them? Congrats, you're queer.
![Profile: gentleOrange94](!!.jpg)
Aug 16, 2015 more
To realise whether you're gay or lesbian takes a long time. I always knew I was gay but I never really realised it until I was about 14 years old. It was a time where I was extremely confused and I didn't know who I really was or understand why I was sexually attracted to boy. Then I started to remember having same sex crushes back in primary school (elementary). Thinking about been gay took me a long time to be comfortable with who I am (on what I call a journey- the process of realising and come out as gay). I use to be really homophobic because I thought that if I was homophobic it might just take the gay out of me. Of course, it didn't work. While all of this, people use to come up to me and ask if I was gay, aggressively I'd answer "no". From this, I started to learn that I couldn't hide from who I really was and it was the midpoint of my 'journey'. After realising, that was when I started ask myself all kinds of questions and compare myself to the stereotypes of being gay. So I'm a tidy person who loves shopping, so I must be gay right? Not at all. Different people like different things. for example, not every straight guy loves to play football and is madly in love with sports just like not ever gay guy loves stopping and drag. It's important to know the difference of being gay to it being a phase. When you're gay, you normally feel that you are not normal to other peers from a young age and maybe feel different to boys then you typically would to girls. I for one can remember as a child hanging around with girls because I was way too scared and intimidated by the boys as I knew they were 'normal' and I wasn't. I guess that could be the first indication that you might be gay. I Came out about a year ago now and I can honestly say that it was the best thing I've ever done; I now simple feel free. Each and every experience is different in it's own way, so if yours doesn't relate to mine that doesn't mean to say that there isn't a possibility for you being homosexual. I once got told something that I will never forget; go with your heart. So, when it comes to the question of "am I gay?" my answer to you is go with your heart.
Mar 12, 2015 more
It can be really hard to know if you're gay, and this is something that teens all over the world struggle with as they grow into being adults. You are not the only one to struggle with this. Talking to LGBTQ listeners on 7Cups is a great way to get advice and feedback from others who have gone through the same thing. Go to Browse Listeners and select LGBTQ. Good luck and hang in there!
![Profile: DipityEnigma](!!.jpg)
Apr 16, 2015 more
No one can answer this question, except you. One of the things that I've heard helps you to realise who you may be is experimenting with people to find out who you are. Whatever feels right, chances are is right.
![Profile: vonengelhardt](!!.jpg)
Jun 19, 2015 more
From personal experience, I have a lot of personal experience with coming to terms with my sexuality. I know it might be a cop out answer but the answer comes from inside. Are you attracted men, women, or both?
Jan 24, 2016 more
If you look at a person and you can imagine yourself being with that person forever, then that should tell you what you like.
![Profile: softWingedgiraffe33](
Nov 5, 2014 more
First decide who you like/are attracted to in any manner (emotional, sexual, romantic, etc.). Then try to find the label that fits you best. A resource I like if you want a label:
![How do I know if I'm gay, lesbian, or bisexual? Expert answers & advice.](
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