How can I spread LGBTQ awareness?
Jan 23, 2015 more
Join the movement, there are plenty of places you can look up and see what activities are going on to support LGBTQ awarness. Personally I have done such befor and have rainbow bumper sticker on my car I got from a local supporting event for LBTQ.
Feb 17, 2015 more
Perhaps you should try to talk to your group of friends and gather their thoughts on the LGBTQA awareness movement. If they have the same thoughts you do and they want to help make it known, then I'd suggest bringing it up to your local GSA club. Sometimes there are college clubs for it, or adult gatherings for it.
May 10, 2015 more
You spread awareness by supporting the LGBTQ community. Some small things might include not shopping at know anti-lgbt businesses or simply sporting a rainbow pride bracelet.
May 28, 2015 more
You can talk to people about joining GSA (gay straight alliances). There are way more ways than that of course, but I feel that that would be number one because its just a meet up about every few weeks or so and just talk about things in gay news or just the gay life style.
Oct 26, 2015 more
There are so many ways! Personally I use my Twitter to spread LGBTQ awareness. There are also various ways to share it. There's Facebook, blogs, SoundCloud, Youtube, IG and other social medias. You can use your talent. Make an art that signifies love for LGBTQ! There are so much ways.
Jan 29, 2018 more
Social media is perhaps the most modern and good way of spreading awareness. You could make a youtube video, put a post on instagram or any social media. Other than that, you could make a presentation to your class about lgbtq+ awareness, or just talk to people about it! Just having a general chat is an amazing way to end stigma! â¤
May 29, 2018 more
if your school has a GSA go to it! it can be a very help full place to go and help spread awareness for LGBT topics
Jul 8, 2019
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
You can bring up the topic to people you know, sharing your knowledge, and take advantage of the occasions in which the topic comes up in any social context to stand up for LGBT rights and awareness. You can share LGBT related contents in your social media platforms or take part and invite people to LGBT related events. Your contribute can really make a difference!
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