How can i know for sure if im a lesbian or just bisexual?
May 10, 2015 more
Well, sexuality is very fluid. You might be a lesbian now, or "seemingly" a lesbian, because you've only encountered women that you're attracted to. It is possible that someday you will become attracted to a man, and there's nothing wrong with that. Your sexuality doesn't have to fit in one neat pre-defined box. It's okay if you develop an attraction to men, when you previously thought you were not attracted to them at all. It's also okay to never develop feelings for a man. If you feel more comfortable identifying as a lesbian, you can identify as a lesbian until you no longer feel it's the proper description for your sexuality.
Nov 22, 2015 more
Only time will tell. You can ask yourself : can i picture myself with a guy in the future as in can I possibly get married to a guy or do i only imagine myself with a girl?
Mar 2, 2015 more
If you're not sure it's totally fine. Remember that you can love everyone - all love is real love. There's no need to rush with putting a label on it.
Jun 21, 2016 more
Honestly, sexuality labels should be used by the individual for the individual. If using the label lesbian fits your experiences or what you wish to experience, then you are a lesbian. If you're more comfortable with the label bisexual, you can use that label. A lot of women experience some attraction to men (often termed 'compulsory heterosexuality') and still call themselves lesbians, because they choose to prioritize their attraction to women. The best part is, if you choose one label now you can always change it in the future. Your sexuality and experiences belong to you, and you alone.
Nov 7, 2017 more
Well, I would say that if you experience any attraction to males, you would be bisexual, but if it's strictly an attraction to females, you would be a lesbian. However, these are just labels, and not everyone needs a label. You love whoever you want to love.
Mar 8, 2016 more
I'm a firm believer about the notion that the only one that can truly decide your sexuality is you. Your sexual identity is solely about your interests, and views. Looking up the definitions, experimentation, and talking to lesbians and bisexuals are also good methods.
Jun 10, 2019
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
Take your time to analyze and explore your own feelings, emotions, desires and dreams. Maybe you can imagine yourself with boys and with girls, ponder the way you look at them, fantasize about them, and see how all of this makes you feel. Remember there's no need to rush or to feel pressured to identify with an orientation until you feel sure and confident. Ultimately, there's no right or wrong, there is only what you feel you are, and that's your identity.
Mar 6, 2015 more
There is no other way than to listen to your own feelings. Just know that it's alright to be any of the two, or bisexual with a preference - the only thing that matters here is your own self.
Apr 13, 2015 more
I would really love to be able to answer this question for you as this must cause a lot of confusion for you. I guess that the only one who can answer this question is you. Personally I do not feel it massively important to label yourself. What do you think?
Nov 11, 2015 more
It just takes time. Let yourself feel every emotion that pops up. No matter the gender of that person. Labels like bisexual and lesbian can empower, but don't force them. You'll know when it is time.
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