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How can I figure out if I am bisexual, or if I am just going through a phase?

Profile: positiveWhisper24
positiveWhisper24 on Mar 13, 2015
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
If you are sexually attracted to both males and females, then you are bisexual. It doesn't have to be equal attraction to both - you could be 80% into guys and only 20% into girls, that's okay. Also, there's a difference between being sexually attracted to both sexes and romantically attracted to both sexes. Some bisexual people are only interested in romantic relationships with one of the sexes, but that doesn't change the fact that they are bisexual. For some people, sexuality changes as they grow in life - that is okay too.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 1, 2016 more
Well, for me, I pictured it as, who would I see myself with long-term. Short term, I thought I was bi, because I would feel attraction to males and females, but long term, I could only see myself with a man. Usually, everyone finds out in different ways. Just keep going through it, you'll find your answer eventually.
Profile: YourBestFriendRyan
YourBestFriendRyan on Dec 7, 2015
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
You don't have to figure anything out. If you are interested in boys and girls right now, then you're bisexual right now. Sexuality is fluid and can change over time, whether it's a "phase" or not.
Profile: PoetaSinVersos
PoetaSinVersos on Apr 9, 2015 more
Sexuality isn't something static! It goes changing with you as you grow up. You can change your sexuality (it isn't your choice, though, it just changes). If you NOW feel bisexual, you might be. If tomorrow you feel heterosexual let it be! And if you ever feel asexual or homosexual, demisexual or whatever, it is what should be. Sexuality is made out from phases, so don't be afraid to be through one of them! And whenever someone tells you "it's just a phase", turn out and tell them: "Yeah, it's a phase, but I don't know how many time it will last!".
Profile: dadacult
dadacult on Sep 21, 2015 more
you don't need to put a label on yourself. it's even better if you don't, actually... it gives you freedom.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 8, 2017 more
Here are some signs you are bisexual. You almost kissed the same sex You had a crush on someone of the same sex even if it was a short amount of time You told someone you are sexually confused You make jokes you are bisexual You said you bisexual You told someone of the same sex you were going to kiss them These are scientifically proven. THIS IS NOT FAKE! If you have most of these signs you have a 99% chance of being Gay or Bisexual
Profile: Kai1243
Kai1243 on Apr 22, 2015 more
Unfortunately, sometimes it will take you a while to truly realize how you feel. Just keep in mind, it's perfectly okay to question who you are and how you really feel, and it may certainly take time. Give yourself as much time as you need to figure yourself out, and eventually it'll all fall into place. And remember, those who support you will always love you for who you are, regardless of what you discover or identify as.
Profile: FruityHeaven97
FruityHeaven97 on May 15, 2017 more
Do you feel sexual attraction toward both genders? If this is the case, you are most probably bisexual. Personally, I am a bisexual female but I am more attracted to men and have only every had one same sex relationship, that does not count as a phase. Sexual attraction does not need to be even for you to be bisexual.
Profile: GregE17
GregE17 on Jul 12, 2016 more
Time will tell, Sexuality is a fluid concept which can change at any time. No labels are required.
Profile: Breathedani
Breathedani on May 15, 2015 more
The only true way to know if you are bisexual or just going through a phase is to experiment. Try new things and meet new people. Time will help you figure things out, and remember to be true to yourself.
Profile: SecretKeeperForever32
SecretKeeperForever32 on Sep 29, 2015 more
That mentioned 'phase' does not exist. Sexuality is not a choice or a phase. If you are truely bisexual, you will know it well.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 17, 2015 more
Bisexuality can seem "like a phase" on occasion, but the easiest way to tell if you are is by searching deep within and determining whom you are sexually attracted to. If you are sexually attracted to members of both the male and female gender then you are bisexual.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 29, 2018 more
I don’t know how much I believe that people go through “phases”. It’s something my parents told me when I tried to come out as bisexual. The best way you can tell is to ask yourself would I be comfortable engaging in sex with both males and females? Have I ever experienced romantic feelings for the same gender and the opposite? Can I picture myself in a relationship with someone of the same sex/someone of the opposite sex? I hope this was helpful, if not I’ll provide this link to a page that might assist you further :)
Profile: JayBird8000
JayBird8000 on Sep 15, 2015 more
Giving it time. There's no magic method to figuring this out truthfully. Regardless if its a phase for now, your feelings feel real now. If being bi is just a phase for someone, it doesn't mean they were lying. It means they were discover who they were and tested out new waters. Don't be afraid to find your true self.
Profile: BooishMonkey
BooishMonkey on Aug 30, 2016 more
This just comes with experience. It is not something you should worry about though. When you fall in love with someone, man or woman, it will no longer matter if you are bisexual. You get to choose who you will end up with.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 22, 2016 more
If you are sexually attractive to both genders, then you are considered as a bisexual. Besides, I highly doubt that there's "going through a phase" kind of situation. Sure, there are curious beings who experiment their promiscuity, but it isn't a phase.
Profile: BradyHero
BradyHero on Jan 24, 2017 more
Sometimes, giving it time is the best way to tell. At first, I thought that maybe my sexuality was a phase, but as time went on, I grew to realize that it's who I really am. You may find the same - or you may find the opposite. There's no rush to figure it all out right away. Just keep living your life and pay attention, because one day, you won't have to guess - you'll know.
Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Aug 8, 2019
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
If you feel attracted to more than one gender, if imagining yourself with people of different genders gives you a good feelings at a physical and emotional level, you are bisexual. Sexualities are not phases, questioning is a phase, and this is where you are right now. But if, after this exploration of your own feelings, desires, emotions and needs, you find out that you are attracted to more than one gender, then you are bi.
Profile: AlvinK00pa
AlvinK00pa on Oct 24, 2017 more
Being bisexual can be confusing to most, in my eyes it's when you feel comfortable having a relationship with either sex. Like any sexuality, I personally feel it's something you need to try and experience for yourself. There really isn't a checklist that you check and thus be able to label yourself a certain way, it's something you need to experience for yourself. I mean, in all honesty, if you labeled yourself as bisexual, but only dated a certain gender, it still wouldn't matter too much, you're never locked into a label that you or others put upon you and you should just be free! :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 2, 2016 more
Are you attracted to 2 or more genders? Congrats, you're bisexual! Also, sexuality can be fluid: It's alright if it changes, you are legitimate as you are right now.
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