Do you have to come out to everyone?
Dec 7, 2015 more
I don't think you HAVE to. I mean, I did to my friends and my grandmother but never anyone else.
Dec 14, 2015 more
Of course you don't. You don't have to do anything that will make you feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. Your sexuality is your business, and the people you share that with is up to you.
Dec 29, 2015 more
No, not at all. It's completely up to you who to come out to or not come out to. I would suggest only coming out to people you feel comfortable with and know will be accepting of your sexual orientation, at least to start with.
Jul 11, 2016 more
No - you don't have to justify your sexuality to everyone. It's none of their business. Do straight people have to come out as straight? Just go on living your life. Tell the people in your life who you feel need to know, or who you think you need to tell, and then go on living as you should. : ) Coming out to everyone is unnecessary. Nowadays a lot of people do it on social media, but it's totally up to you. Do whatever you are comfortable doing. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Be yourself! Best of luck, I know this time is challenging.
Jul 12, 2016 more
No, you don't have to come out to everyone. Only you get to choose who you come out to, how you come out to that person, when you come out to that person, and where you come out to that person.
Aug 2, 2016 more
Of course not! It took me ages to come out to my parents because I did find it less important for them to know than for my friends. It is your choice who to tell and you can let the whole world know if you want (internet might be the most effective way :p).
May 3, 2015 more
You only have to come out to people you're comfortable with when you feel like you're ready to do it. There is no pressure, go at your own pace.
Aug 13, 2015 more
No, you don't have to come out to everyone. Coming out (or not) is your choice and you can decide to tell everyone or nobody or just a few people. The life is yours and you must not feel like you owe people an explanation for who you decide to love or who and how you decide to be.
Aug 17, 2015 more
You never need to tell everyone of what your sexuality and/or gender is. It's best to tell the amount of people you are comfortable with, you are not obligated in any way to have to tell everyone including your parents.
Oct 28, 2015 more
No, it is completely your choice when you come out, and who you come out to. You can do it whenever you feel comfortable to, just take your time.
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