Do you have to come out to everyone?
Sep 21, 2015 more
Not at all! The only person who needs to know who you are is you! Come out to people who you are comfortable around, and for the rest, who cares? They don't need to know!
Feb 25, 2015 more
You don't. It is well within your right to come out to whoever you want, especially if you live in a country where LGTBA people are heavily discriminated agaisnt. All reasons are valid for not coming out, from "I'm afraid I'll get beaten up" to "I just don't feel like telling them". You're not and shouldn't be forced to disclose any information about yourself. Besides, it's their fault for assuming you're not LGTBA in the first place :)
Oct 26, 2015 more
I don't believe that you have to come out to everyone. Coming out should be your personal choice and if you choose not to tell somebody, that is your choice. I like to personally come out to everyone because I am very comfortable with it and I feel like people should no who I really am.
Apr 19, 2015 more
No, you don't! You only have to come out when you want it, and not everyone has to know your sexual orientation.
Jun 4, 2018 more
I think that can be a personal choice. Choosing to come out to your professional colleagues or your personal social circle depends on the individual. You can choose to be as open or as private about your life as you are comfortable with. There is no right or wrong answer.
Aug 20, 2018
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
No, not necessarily. Who you come out to is a decision that is entirely up to you. It's your personal choice to decide whether you want everyone to know, or just some people, be it your friends, your family or whoever you want. There's nothing wrong about not wanting everyone to know, there can be many reasons for it, and you're not obliged to say it if you don't want to, since it is something that concerns yourself and you don't owe this information to anyone. The choices about coming out are the most personal, and should be totally free.
Nov 11, 2019 more
You absolutely do not have to come out to everyone. Coming out is a very personal choice that is up to you. It’s important to remember that people you trust are safe bets when coming out, and they should also be people who are both close to you and comfortable with accepting you for you. Like other personal information, you may not be comfortable with sharing the details of your coming out online. That’s perfectly fine. Some people would like everyone to know that they are a certain gender/identity or orientation, others would not. Ultimately, if it is in a safe situation and feels right to you, go ahead and come out. I hope this helps!
Apr 10, 2015 more
Not everyone, only if you want to. If you feel like you want to come out to everyone then do! Only if you feel safe in your area however. But there's nothing wrong with not telling everyone, keeping it to family and friends is perfectly fine!
Jul 13, 2016 more
Certainly not! You are not responsible for explaining your own private life and preferences to the world! And not everyone needs to know anyway. You are free to pick and choose who you want to come out to! It's all about your level of comfort!
Oct 25, 2016 more
No. Everyone does not need to know. Come out to only those that you are comfortable with and that you personally trust.
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