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Profile: miraculousNatural14
miraculousNatural14 on Jun 7, 2016 more
ofcourse not and what you are is what you chose to be and that's the way you chose to act and think.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 12, 2016 more
Nope, be yourself and don't feel down or ashamed of who you are. You're perfect just the way you are.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 17, 2016 more
You're not wrong for being the person you are or way you are. Everyone has ways of acting or coping with things. It's really how you treat others that reflects you most not how you handle your emotions per day
Profile: avocadoallyson
avocadoallyson on Feb 6, 2017 more
You are never wrong for being the way you are. There are a lot of things we can't change about ourselves and those are the things we should celebrate. Just because other people are different from us does not make them right or wrong. We are all unique!
Profile: dgently
dgently on Feb 7, 2017 more
No - everyone is who they are. The key is acceptance of that. Acceptance is difficult but is always possible. Hope is the key.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 3, 2018 more
No, not at all. It's hard to accept ourselves sometimes but once you do you will feel a lot more happier and confident.
Profile: overlandprism1769
overlandprism1769 on Aug 7, 2018 more
Not in any way shape or form. You are you because you were born that way. Later on, you develop your own features and characteristics and therefore, can alter who you are and what you do. You are in control and nobody can take that experience away from you. Be happy with what you've done in life and move on from the negative.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 5, 2019 more
No one is wrong the way they are. We are all human and in my eyes, being human means being unique. Everyone got their own personality and looks, genes and sense of style. Of course, it is hard to accept yourself and easier to accept others. But try seeing it from someone else's perspective. For them, you could be one of the most fun person to be with and they feel comfortable around you. This makes you special and important to them in the long run. So, in conclusion: There is no being wrong in the way you are.
Profile: PerceptiveAllosaraus
PerceptiveAllosaraus on Feb 23, 2019 more
I can say through my experience you are absolutely and unconditionally right for being that way that you are. It’s really hard to be authentic and able to self reflect, acknowledge who we really are deep in our hearts. I commend you for being able to do that, it take great strength. You are a wonderful person, just the way that you are. You will meet people that accept you for that and others that might not. Either way, accepting yourself is what is most important. Be out when and where you are safe to.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 25, 2019 more
Nobody should worrying about what other people say. You are not wrong,there is nothing wrong with you. You have to know that are five fingers at a hand,but none of them looks the same,and this means that you are unique just the way you are. If you feel better being this way,why not?! Just live your own life,and enjoy it without thinking what people might say. Being different is something to be proud with. Have you ever thought that maybe you are right and all the rest of the people who are trying to be all the same is wrong?
Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Jul 8, 2019
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
Nothing is wrong about any orientation or gender identity. These things are innate and absolutely normal, the fact that some identities ard a majority doesn't mean they are better in any way. What defines people is their personality, the way they treat other people. Being LGBT doesn't prevent you from loving, caring for people, accomplishing your goals, doing something good with your life. You can be just as happy and fulfilled as anyone else, and you can be a wonderful human being whatever your identity is!
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