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I want to do biotechnology but my parents want me to do MBBS because I have been training for MBBS exam for 4 years. What should I do ?

Profile: magicalrose22
magicalrose22 on Sep 4, 2020 more
This life you are living is your own life and how you spend your days and your years is up to you and you only. You are not here to please your parents - you are here to look after your own needs and please yourself and do the things that you enjoy. If you chose the course your parents want you to do it will not be a good feeling for you - you will have resentment towards your parents and be unhappy within yourself. If you choose the course you want it will make you feel lighter and happier as you are doing what you want and what YOU want matters the most in this situation. Even if your parents feel disappointed that you didn't should the course they wanted it is ok. You are choosing YOU and that is something to be very proud about :)
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