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High School Q & A
7 Questions
I want to do biotechnology but my parents want me to do MBBS because I have been training for MBBS exam for 4 years. What should I do ?
What is the difference between middle school and high school?
First day of school is coming and I've barely done the massive amount of summer homework due to working on college and personal things. How can I stay focused and motivated?
I'm currently preparing for jee. I'm not in the right track right now. My scores are low. Any tips for improving within 3 months?
I'm 15 starting my sophomore year soon and I fear growing up and living away from mom and getting old. I try focusing on now and enjoying the moment but I still get scared over it. What can I do to help with this fear?
How important are grades really? It's not going to affect where you direct your life but it builds up to your goals. I would like to know your opinions.
how many hours of studying is healthy?
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