How do I deal with the death of a family member?
Apr 14, 2015 more
It is very difficult to get over something so large. I suggest letting yourself feel the way you want to feel for a few days, even weeks. But, slowly try to understand the situation and begin to cope with it. It takes different people a different amount of time to go back to "normal" but on average, it should be no more than 2-3 months.
Jul 12, 2016
Grief Expert more
First, death is never easy. Second, losing a family member is never easy. There's no one way to deal with death. All I can suggest is that you take the time, and you let yourself grieve.
May 5, 2020 more
Death is very difficult to deal with. Allow yourself time to grieve and don't hold it in. Talk to your family about it and remember the good memories you have all had with the deceased, while they were still living. It takes time to heal, but eventually, it will get better. Sometimes it also helps to write down how you are feeling in either a diary or a letter. You can always write a letter to the deceased family member, telling them all the things you want to say to them. This is a good release technique that has worked for me after the passing of a loved one. Surround yourself with people you love and trust that little by little, it will get better.
Jan 28, 2015 more
Only you know how. There is only one way to deal with it, your way. Just make sure you accept the love and support of others along the way, and give yourself time to grieve, and time to heal.
May 25, 2015 more
I believe the first step, after the tears and sadness, is accepting they're gone. Once you accept that someone you loved is now no longer with you, you can begin to move on and, though difficult, you will eventually know that the person you lost is in a happier place.
Jun 5, 2015 more
First of all, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of a family member.
The first step to dealing with this is to mourn. Don't hold it all in, it will make things worse. Talk about the death of the family member to a counsellor if need be. If you feel you can do so, you could try speaking to another family member or friend.
I hope this helps.
Jun 30, 2015 more
It is a hard process that involves grieving and letting the pain in. Time heals all scars but you have to deal with the emotion and not bottle it up. Talk about with your family or support group. Then do things to make you feel better or distract yourself for a while.
Jul 6, 2015 more
When you lose someone, it's never easy to deal with the pain and emptiness they left behind.. But what we can do to help with the grieving Process.. Is to.. Talk about the person and the good they've brought into your life.. Tall about their positive presence in your life and try to remember that they wouldn't want you to be sad still but.. They'd want you to keep them in your heart and keep the memories of them alive by living through their values.. And ideals.. It's the best way to heal from such losses.
Jul 27, 2015 more
Grief is a very complicated "topic" so to speak. Everyone grieves differently, it comes automatically usually and you go with the flow. Others find it harder than other people. I have lost both my parents and an older sister and I didn't really "deal" with it so to speak. I just felt really numb. Feel free to message me.
Jun 21, 2016 more
Always remember that that family member is in a better place now with no more suffering and he or she would want you to live your life and be happy.
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