Why do I want bad things to happen to me?
Feb 3, 2020
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sometimes we feel as like we 'deserve it' and practice mortification because 1) others have always told us to hurt ourselves 2) we have been wrongly informed that mortification actually has benefits
Bad things do not lead us to better places. There may have been poor representation (example, breaking glass, or a mug releases anger - it does not) in the past, which may have misinformed.
Also, faster, quicker methods are always used as short term solutions and often advertised. They do little good and while may seem like a 'quick release', does not actually have any long term benefits at all.
Feb 16, 2020
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in psycology we accept what we thing we deserve. in the perks of being a wallflower Charlie says we accept the love we think we deserve and we do people enter bad relationships because that is the love we think we deserve but we don't we deserve much better than that. we sometimes choose people who treat us like we're nothing and that is not what we deserve. we deserve people who treat us with respect. respect is a big thing that everyone deserves. if they don't treeat you with respect they are not worth your time. you deserve better.
Jul 26, 2020
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I can deeply understand wanting bad things to happen to me and I empathise with whoever is going through this. It's common to want to experience something negative to punish yourself or to suffer in another way if you're experiencing depression or general guilt. I've felt this before when I missed one of my final exams once, and felt undeserving of the care and support others provided me. I've realised now that wanting a bus to hit me and thinking that I wouldn't try to move or do anything in that situation was being passively suicidal. I've also felt this after I missed school work, been unkind to other people, and been unproductive. For me, I started to realise I did not truly want to be hurt after I thought of this in the position of someone else. One's worth is not based on their productivity, which we know when thinking about other people we care about, but often forget about when we offer ourselves little empathy.
Jul 31, 2020
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To built a house you need to have a foundation. To live your life also - all the thoughts that are foundation of your life are core thoughts. They can be really various - ex. I don't deserve love. Or I'm weak. They also can be possitive (I'm a good person). When we have discouraging core thoughts our mind handles with it with 3 ways - compensation, confirmation and avoidance. It's possible that when you want bad things to happen to you, confirmation is working. It's nothing bad in it. It's just a safety system that keeps our mind in status quo. If you're worried about it, it would be best to consult it with the therapist.
Aug 22, 2020
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I think this probably depends on you but it is pretty common in people who are struggling and you are not alone. I sometimes feel like I deserve bad things, Or upset with myself because of how I feel, or upset with life for how I feel or believe I am, or how I see my situation. It makes me feel this way a lot. I don't know if you are the same but I think feeling numb, being without hope, or not having an interest in or seeing the point of life can also make someone feel this way.
Oct 23, 2020
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Sometimes it feels that way because we feel guilty. Either we are not at peace with ourselves about something we did or said or an opinion we have about ourselves, and sometimes it's because we haven't truly forgiven ourselves for something we've done. Having come from a background of low self-esteem I probably understand this best. There is a perfectionistic aspect to it as well - "I will never be worthy until I am perfect." Perfection, in this case, is difficult and sometimes impossible to attain and not only that, but it could take a lot of time when we are feeling inadequate in the present moment, and we feel that this deserves punishment. So we believe that we deserve bad things and we don't deserve any good things that may come our way. All of these may be things you want to explore if this comes up with you. Identify the exact thoughts accompanying this one and maybe you can find the root cause of this feeling.
Nov 15, 2020
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The wanting of bad things to happen to me came from a place of self-hatred. I felt like I didn't deserved good things because I was a bad person. But gradually, I learned -and I'm still learning- that I can become better. That I can change to be whoever I want to be. That power is in my hands. It'll take time and I know it it won't be easy. But I can make it happen. And it will be worth it. I think loving ourselves is very important. And we should work toward it, one step at a time
Jan 24, 2021
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This might sound like a trick question, but I have an answer. Maybe saying I want bad things to happen isn't right, but accepting bad things is great. But only if you know both sides of it. There is the bad thing and the lesson received from the bad thing. So yes it can be good to have bad things happen. It can only be seen as good when you look for the good that comes from it. Some things are harder to deal with than others, but every bad situation has a good side to it. For instance, I went through a bad drug problem. It was a bad phase that happened to me. But the good thing was that overcoming it made me stronger. Not only that but I can relate to anyone who has a drug problem. Any situation like this can be used for good
Jan 27, 2021
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No one truly wants bad things to happen to them. I feel that this stems from feeling like one does not deserve to have good things happen. It is a sense of unworthiness coming from the person wishing ill will upon themselves. This could stem from guilt, low self esteem and/or low to no self worth. Another reason why one may want bad things to happen to them could also stem from wanting the attention received by sharing stories of their misfortune with others. There are those that crave constant attention and/or pity from others. Though, I feel this correlates back to one's own self worth.
Feb 25, 2021
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There are various reasons and possible causes to all of this. In general, there are two main ones that I have come across. The first one is that sometimes we are in so much emotional and mental pain, and we lack a good support system so our feelings get invalidated and with all this going on, we seek horrible things to happen to us so that at least if something did happen we will have "earned the right to feel the way we feel". The second reason is, sometimes this is our version of self-harm, we need physical pain to free us from our emotional turmoil. In both cases, seek professional help.
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