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I think I might be schizophrenic, but I'm afraid if I bring my concerns to a doctor, they'll tell me there's nothing wrong even if there is, because I already think I have it. What do I do?

Profile: WeAreExistence
WeAreExistence on Jul 22, 2016 more
I fully understand your concern and have been there (somewhat). If you don't mind me asking, why do you think you have schizophrenia?
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Profile: peterc
peterc on May 14, 2017 more
Hmm; sounds like you are concerned your doctor might not be completely honest with you. But you are also wondering if you are schizophrenic; that's a big question to be carrying around. What makes you think you might be schizophrenic?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 21, 2016 more
You should go anyway or maybe go to a therapist instead and tell them what's going on. If they disagree with you, i'm sure they will have their reasons for it and maybe those reasons will convince you that you're wrong. And it's highly unlikely that they will say there is nothing wrong at all, in all likelihood if you think you have schizophrenia something is going on. Even if they do, no matter how unlikely it is does it really matter? People are wrong sometimes, even doctors. If you have that mental illness his opinion about it won't make it any less (or more) real.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Jul 21, 2016 more
Get some tests done by professional doctors and get a few opinions to be sure. Thats the best that you can do.
Profile: PrismaticAngel
PrismaticAngel on Jul 25, 2016 more
Seeking professional advice would soothe your worries about your well being, and that's really important - your well being! You seem stressed because of the unknown, and that's understandable. Though, gaining clarity over someone who is educated within the field, like a psychologist or a psychiatrist, would definitely help - a professional will know if you have schizophrenia or not. Sharing your worries with psychologist will clear your doubts. Letting the worry linger might cause your stress to grow and become unbearable.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 22, 2017 more
How frightening and confusing that must be for you. The only way you can really know for sure is to get a proper diagnosis. There could be other things that are causing you to have these feelings. A diagnosis and treatment plan can address your concerns and hopefully put you on the path to feeling much better. Hugs....
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 21, 2016 more
The best think you can do is ask for professional advise ,like consult a doctor, and after that you can work on trying to get the necessary help.
Profile: freshFriend18
freshFriend18 on Aug 3, 2016 more
Doctors are usually pretty helpful. Try to find someone you trust and can be open with them. They will test you to ensure you are or are not schizophrenic .. they can tell what the symptoms are and if you have any of them
Profile: mayodibari9
mayodibari9 on Jul 24, 2016 more
Even if you feel doubtful about it, you have to seek professional help so you can get the help you need.
Profile: softNutella25
softNutella25 on Oct 22, 2016 more
Since schizophrenia is a serious disorder, it is very important to bring it up to a doctor. A well-trained and qualified doctor will be able to tell you if what you're experiencing is schizophrenia or another mental health disorder (many times, people think they have schizophrenia when they are actually experiencing an anxiety disorder, which exacerbates the fear). If you are experiencing symptoms such as paranoia and hearing voices, it's best to make that clear to a doctor. And if it turns out that schizophrenia is not what you are experiencing, try to accept that and resolve the actual underlying issue. Best of luck!
Profile: kurrentWillow
kurrentWillow on Nov 2, 2016 more
I would just tell the doctor the symptoms you're experiencing, asking him for his opinion on what that could be, without telling him your thoughts on it in the beginning. After that, if he doesn't talk about shizophrenic, I would ask if that might be a possibility. If you're still not happy with his answers then, you could go to another doctor, see if he says something else. I'd say you might want to be open for other explanations, maybe it is not what you think.
Profile: Aniqa1
Aniqa1 on Apr 27, 2017 more
For starters, you relax. I believe you should tell yourself that it's okay to feel the way that you do. I'm no one to advise you but how about you tell the doctor all the symptoms you're facing, ensure that you don't fabricate anything honey as it'll do you no good. They're professionals, if they come to diagnose you, you may share them how you feel about all the symptoms. Just believe in yourself, and know that no matter what happens, it's always meant to lead you to something good.
Profile: fabiolagarcia
fabiolagarcia on Jun 14, 2017 more
It is always best to go to a doctor, if not, a therapist. They will find if there is anything going on with you that is out of the ordinary.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 7, 2017 more
Talk to a licensed therapist or psychiatrist, If you do have schizophrenia, it gets much worse if left untreated. You need to be running to their office. I have seen this disease completely destroy healthy people's lives. If you have it, it needs to be diagnosed and treated. If you don't have schizophrenia, it could be something else. A diagnosis is the first step in the treatment process. But please get help before it gets worse.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 5, 2018 more
Well most doctors should take any mental illness seriously. Explain how passionate you are that you have this condition. Especially with schizophrenic situations, that is a very serious condition and I would not see why they wouldn't help you out. Most doctors will take your worries into consideration. Also bring up to your doctor why you think you have this. For example, tell him what you have been experiencing and why it concerns you. Be very honest and tell him every detail. Doctors will sometimes refer you to a specialist on your condition so you can get the best care or medication in severe cases.
Profile: Leopoldo
Leopoldo on Oct 14, 2018 more
If you have symptoms of schizophrenia, or any other mental health disorder, a professional will be able to easily identify them. If they let you know you don't match a diagnosis for schizophrenia, go ahead and tell them why you think you do and how this is affecting you, and they'll most certainly offer you more information or the option to continue therapy to figure out and cope with what it is you're struggling with. Even just the fact that these thoughts are concerning to you is sufficient cause to contact a professional, so that you may be properly supported.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 10, 2019 more
You should see a doctor if you have medical concerns, if you express enough concern they should refer you to a psychiatrist. There are early interventions and way to help with the treatment of schizophrenia, it is better to be safe than to be sorry. There is no shame in asking for an analysis and taking charge of your health, it is your responsibility. You should not worry about the outcomes as long as you are getting treatment for the correct disorder.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 21, 2019 more
Thats a topic I can talk out of personal experiences. If you are already thinking about having it or even knowing about it, it’s already in a further stage. A normal doctor can’t help you much with it, he isn’t trained in psychology. But if you go to a therapist they’ll help you. When you are sure that there is a second sight of your life, or somebody is talking with you in your head they will all see the signs. You don’t have to be paranoid if it cause they can really help you to get rid of the problem. I wish the best for you and pray for you.
Profile: iwishuwell
iwishuwell on Feb 13, 2020 more
Bring your symptoms to the doctor and not your diagnosis. If youbuse drugs tell them. They will believe your symptoms so tell them the truth. If you dont hear voice and tell them you do they will believe you. You should not worry they will believe anything you tell them. Unless it is unusual. So if you tell them your mother ate your brother they will consider you delusional because that they won't think it happened. But if you tell them you see monsters they will Believe you are hallucinating. Why? They dont see monsters and decided there are none. They will believe what you say based on that they will decide if it is real or not but they always believe what you say is what you actually think. It will never cross their minds you will say things you know are false. So be careful.
Profile: AuntieGinger
AuntieGinger on Aug 15, 2016 more
Find someone you trust to go with you to a health professional and be an advocate on your behalf.
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