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I'm struggling with whether or not to continue seeing my current therapist. I get some sense of relief but have a bad feeling and bad anxiety about the sessions. How can I change this?

Profile: rainyPrincess11
rainyPrincess11 on Jan 21, 2020 more
It is sometimes quite common to feel anxious before a Therapy session. For me, I would feel nervous before meeting people. However, I understand that no one experience the same. So you can decide for yourself whether to take this advice or not. I think talking about these issues with your therapist is a good option. Because If they understand that you are feeling this way, they might be more considerate and might change their style of therapy to address these issues. If you still struggle after doing this, perhaps changing to see another professional psychologist or therapist might help?
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 28, 2020 more
Speak to your counselor about these feelings and explore maybe new options of how to deal and cope with this. If it still does not work, maybe a referral can? It can be very difficult to consider leaving someone that helps you feel a sense of relief, but at the end of the day it is all about you. If you do not feel 100% comfortable during sessions, something is not working. Maybe its the approach used by your therapist, or maybe your personalities just do not really coincide. Whatever the case, it would be best for you to think things through, play the tape, and do what is best for you!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 15, 2021 more
Search for a new therapist, it does not help you when you can not trust him. You should be comfortable with him, cause you tell him very personal things, and it wont work out if you dont feel good in his sessions. Try to talk with somebody who you can trust and ask them if they can help you find another therapist and maybe if they can go with you the first time.
Profile: WarriorPrincess16
WarriorPrincess16 on Sep 21, 2021 more
Firstly, trusting yourself is important! There is a difference between nervousness about upcoming sessions and bad feelings/bad anxiety. Your therapist should be someone who makes you feel safe and comfortable sharing information with. And, if you’re not ready to share information, they will encourage and support you without pressuring you. So the first step is to ask yourself if your current therapist is someone who makes you feel safe and comfortable. If this is the case, then the next step may be to ask yourself why you’re feeling this way. What is your fear stemmed from? Why do you feel the way you do before sessions? If you are able to understand what is causing you to feel this way, you’ll be better able to improve your feelings before sessions.
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