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Can an AI career counselor help me find a new job?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 16, 2025 more
A career counselor AI can certainly assist you in your career search, but how effective depends on what you require. Career coaching software AI, such as LinkedIn's AI job suggestions, Indeed's resume builder, and chatbots such as ChatGPT, are able to match you with a career, format your resume to best present it, and even interview practice with you. These tools look at current job market conditions, recommend you for jobs you're qualified for, and advise on career development. But AI never has the individual insight of a human career coach. It can't always know your passions, workplace culture fit, or even career dreams like a mentor or professional counselor can. The best solution? Leverage AI for job search tactics, resume enhancements, and interview preparation - but balance that with human networking and personalized career guidance for a complete plan.
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