Should i tell my girlfriend i cheated ?
8 Answers
Moderated by Danielle Johnson, MSED, Community mental Health Counseling, LMHC
Updated: Jan 11, 2022
Sep 16, 2019 more
If you want her to have a good life , then be honest with her. Sometimes saying the truth can be painful but it is better than lying to her and feeling guilt.
Jan 11, 2022 more
The foundation of a healthy, normal relationship is honesty and communication is key. Living under the shadow of such a huge lie would be quite hard sooner or later and if things come up much later, it could cause much more pain. Such an act would cause pain either way but maybe with an immediate confession, apologising and talking about it could give you a second chance from your partner. You should never lie to the person you chose to be with because you share a life together and acts have consequences for both of you. Be honest and straight.
Feb 27, 2018 more
It is important to be honest each other, in good and bad times. It is also crucial to respect and value each other, and if you respect your girlfriend then telling her the truth would be the right thing to do.
Oct 15, 2018 more
Yes, yes and yes. I’m going to answer this from my perspective as a girl. Of course, everyone thins differently. If i got cheated by my boyfriend I would want to know. No matter how much it hurts, it’s always better to tell the truth. I can’t even bare the thought of not knowing someone did this to you, and they’re playing it all cool, not telling the truth. And ask yourself first. Will you be capable to look her in the eyes, knowing you betrayed her trust? Will you be able to do that without the feeling of guilt? I think you already knew the answer when asking me this question.
Apr 5, 2021 more
It depends on the type of relationship you want with your girlfriend. Do you see a future between the two of you? Do you value honesty and trust? Do you feel any negative emotions based on your choices? If yes, then you should tell your girlfriend that you cheated. Keep in mind that telling your girlfriend the truth does not guarantee the continuation of your relationship. By telling her, you are giving her the choice to process your actions and choices, and to decide the future of you two. Remember that decisions you make in a relationship affects both you and your partner.
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