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I want to forgive people. I am not sure where do I start to doing this?

Profile: serenity4ever1987
serenity4ever1987 on Aug 2, 2021 more
Hi! I hear that you want to forgive people more. What kinds of things do you want to forgive them for? Who are you lost resentful to? I can image it is hard on you to be resentful. Forgiving people does bring freedom, peace and serenity. Are you spiritual? There are some good articles on forgiveness on our website, Would you like me to send them to you? I am so happy you reached out today I know it is difficult to do so. You are very brave for doing so. Please get back to me whenever you have time:
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Profile: Cathylistens
Cathylistens on Nov 26, 2024 more
Do you know why you are struggling to start/forgive? Were you hurt so much that you are struggling? Or do you feel like you can heal by forgiving people? knowing why may guide you to the best starting point. The best starting point may be, start where you are most comfortable. This may involve speaking with the person and telling them how you feel, or it may be deciding to mentally forgive and working towards building more positive feelings for them? Would talking to a stranger help, getting a broader view of why you are struggling? Have you tried speaking to a listener on or even a therapist? it may help you work out why you don't know where to start. Best of luck, I hope you get to where you want to be in this situation.
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