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I am supposed to breadwinner of my family but I am unable to get a job from 7months feeling depressed what to do?

Profile: CalmCourage
CalmCourage on Jun 8, 2020 more
Hey man, for me the way I ended up making good money was providing a service online. Think of a skill you have or that you could learn, for instance photo editing... there are so many opertunities online for you to make money. Most importantly don't give up. Think of your why, what would you do if you had a good income. If there is something you love to do, with the internet there are so many possibilities to monitise or coach someone on the thing you love. Stay strong man, whatever you choose to do, you can do it!
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Profile: Michael4321
Michael4321 on Apr 19, 2022 more
You are blessed to have a family. Do not despair because to those who persevere, much will be given in the end. Why do I say this? Because my uncle spent four years looking for a job because the job he had was so miserable (and I mean MISERABLE!). i would hear of him trying time and time again to get a job. It was painful. It just didn't happen for him. But, one day, it is as if the heavens parted. He landed the job of his dreams. Actually, a job that far exceeded his expectations. He and his entire family are reaping the benefits today. And now that he looks back, he is grateful for the difficult years because it taught him how to remain faithful and be patient. He is the happiest guy today! Also, his kids always loved him - with or without a job. There is nothing like a dad. He can't be replaced by anyone. So, don't lose faith as your day will come. Hang in there! = )
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