Why do I always think my husband is cheating on me?
Jun 5, 2020
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In my experience, there are typically two main reasons to consistently be anxious that a spouse is cheating on you:
1. Someone in your past cheated on you or was untruthful in a way that hurt you. If something like that happened in your past, it's worth trying to think about whether or not those experiences might be coloring the way you look at things now? Maybe it's unresolved pain from a past issue or maybe it's just a reflex you learned to protect yourself, but if that could be the issue, working through it or talking it out in therapy can help resolve the constant worry.
2. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Sometimes we glue together various things we see over time and don't even consciously realize what we figured out. Always thinking someone is doing something might be because your brain is trying to tell you it sees the warning signs. For me, it helps to try to focus on why I'm feeling there's something going on and see if I can ferret out what things I've seen that make me feel that way.
Jul 10, 2020
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This is a case by case bias, but usually, there's some experience in your life that has caused you to lose trust. You might have experienced it before in a past relationship or your husband was (close to) cheating before. Or perhaps you've seen someone else get hurt from being cheated on or your family was negatively impacted by someone cheating.
The hardest but most important part when you feel this way is to be self-aware. Be conscious about your past and your circumstances. You may need to talk to a friend or a professional to get an outside perspective.
Also, try to understand if there is trust in the relationship. Is the fear of cheating coming from insecurity? If it stems from something involving your husband, I suggest to seek marriage counseling. There's no shame in that.
Jul 29, 2020
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Sometimes, our past experiences can make us weary of the present. If someone has cheated on us in the past, we may carry those same fears into the next relationship. It is important to note that not all men are cheaters. There are some men who want nothing more than to be loyal to a women or their partner. By carrying around your past experiences and fears, it can cause your new partner to suffer for what others have done. This is unfair to them. It is also important to remember that each man is different. If a man treats you wrongly, there is no reason for you to stay. However, give each new relationship the benefit of the doubt. See the man for who he is and not what someone else once was.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
Aug 2, 2020
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First of all, take a deep breath!
Do you have any string of evidence? If so, then your suspicion is valid and you should probably consult professional counsellors.
If everything is just in your head, you should ask yourself what qualities does your husband have that make you worry? Is he a frequent liar? Is he acting too intimate with his coworkers? Does he often disregard your feelings? If so, you should have an honest conversations with him and sort the problem out together.
If your husband doesn’t check the boxes above, you should ask yourself if you had similar concerns with your former partners. Or maybe there’s something in your life that recently broke out to make you fear losing someone you love?
Feel free to talk to me about this if you would like to share any updates :)
Sep 30, 2020
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I have found that for people who may struggle with low self-esteem is can be common to experience feelings of betrayal. This may come across as feeling unworthy or like they are being used. Sometimes when we get those feelings there may be an underlying issue at hand, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the exact thing we are worried about. I have learned from experience to trust my gut, which tends to be right more times than not and to try and keep my eyes open and be receptive to what is going on around me. This helps to make a well informed decision in my opinion. And it never hurts to have an open conversation with someone about your concerns if you are comfortable doing so.
Oct 21, 2020
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There are a lot of different things that can cause someone to have thoughts about cheating. Have you been cheated on in the past? This could make it hard for you trust trust your husband, and you may not even be consciously aware of this. A decrease in communication, self-doubt and fear can also be factors. By talking to your husband openly and honestly about this, the two of you might be able to feel like you are both on a firmer foundation. If your husband is behaving in a way that makes your doubts stronger, perhaps he would be willing to share why he does or says those things. The solution might become apparent during these types of conversations, as long as the words come from the heart and are not accusatory in nature. If you need to accuse your spouse of something, that might be best accomplished with the aid of a marriage counselor so that it can be done with a non-biased third party who is trained to see beyond raw emotions and can help you get to the root of the problem.
Nov 4, 2020
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Ha ha. You should ask him. If you still have doubts, then it would be good that you tell this to your husband and also see a therapist regarding this issue . I am sure that would help. Inform and discuss the therapy sessions with your husband. Sometimes take him along. If he is innocent he would understand.
Lastly ask him very honestly is there anything that you would like to change in you if he wants anything to change and then make those changes. Love your husband and also know what he wants from you. Ask him how you could better receive his love.
I hope it helps. Cheers.
Nov 13, 2020
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Many people are paranoid that their partner is cheating on them for many reasons. Lack of confidence, lack of trust, these are all factors that play a role as to why people think their partners are cheating on them. Another reason can be not spending enough time with each other or not giving each other enough attention. This can lead to the person thinking their partner is being unfaithful. The best way to overcome this would be talking to your partner and sharing your feelings with them. This will help them understand the way that you feel and it will make the bond between you two stronger.
Dec 16, 2020
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It sounds like you may be experiencing a lack of trust and openness with your husband. When we feel like we cannot trust our significant other we should explore what the root cause is. Do you have a past with partners breaking your trust? Do you recognize your worth? Is there a reason that would lead you to believe this? Begin looking into the possible causes and start addressing it. Open communication and vulnerability are important in a relationship. I would encourage you to share with your husband how you are feeling and what might help you feel more secure. I would also look into ways you can help yourself feel more secure.
Dec 23, 2020
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Well if you had a partner cheat it can create issues in the future, or if your husband has cheated before it may make it hard to trust that person. Trust issues can be very common among relationships, it may be a good idea to sit down with your husband and be open with them about how you feel and work on your trust. Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationships and so is honesty. Just sit down with him and explain your situation if you have been hurt in the past it might be a good idea to let them know that you have a hard time trusting him.
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