Why can't I tell my parents that I was sexually abused?
Dec 22, 2015
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I couldn't tell my parents I was sexually abused because it was my brother who they admired so much.
Jun 2, 2015
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I can't tell my mom that I was sexually abused because my dad did it and it would break my family a part.
Mar 4, 2015
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Sometimes we feel ashamed when someone hurts us, we think it is our fault. When we think we've done something wrong, then we have a hard time telling our parents about it. However, when someone sexually abuses us, it is not our fault, and it is okay to tell our parents. Fear is another thing that can hold us back from talking about what happened. I have found writing letters to speak my truth a helpful way to move past the fear, and to help me tell someone what happened to me.
Feb 10, 2016
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It will make it real.
It will hurt them.
They will look at you differently.
You think they will stop loving you.
Dec 27, 2015
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You can't tell them because it is hard for you, and you are afraid that they are going to blame you for not telling them before, you have to tell them. Those who are sexually abused or assaulted should talk to someone because those people especially have a hard time coping. Your parents love you and they are here in this world to protect and love you no matter what, you have to tell them, they are always here for you
Jun 18, 2018
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It is extremely hard to talk about sexual assault, and sexual abuse. I am so sorry that happened to you. You are never forced to tell anyone anything, please keep that in mind. You will tell someone you trust first. In my personal experience, I never told my parents. Even though I have an amazing relationship with my mother. For me, I can't tell my mother because I don't want her to hurt. I feel like maybe you are feeling like you just aren't ready to be possibly told that it was your fault. There's so much going on these days, I wouldn't want to tell anyone either.
Feb 8, 2016
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Because you are ashamed. You don't want them to know what you experienced because it will bring them and you discomfort.
Apr 4, 2015
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Sexual abuse can be very embarrassing, degrading and frightening for a victim, amd this makes it hard to talk about- especially to the people who us well. You also may be nervous to how they will react. Try confiding in somebody else who can help you tell somebody responsible.
Apr 8, 2015
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Maybe because you don't have a very close relationship with your parents or because you're worried that they'll blame you for it. Remember that your parents will understand you and love you no matter what.
Jul 13, 2015
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You might feel ashamed that this happened to you.Being threatened by the abuser might also be another factor.
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