Sep 22, 2015 more
Find out who are you, know-understand and accept yourself for who you are. Define yourself on your own terms and get to know yourself to build self worth and confidence eg: take a personality test. Find values that are true to you and stick to them be prepared for others values to clash with yours but consider that as you being unique and special. Try to not focus on the past and forgive yourself and others for past mistakes to make you happier and at peace. Don't compare yourself to others, find your strengths and what makes you unique and write them down everyday. Learn relaxation techniques such as mindfulness to calm down your social anxiety. Be honest and open with other people, we are all imperfect human beings-learning and growing, you will disarm people/argument if you admit to your flaws and own up to them or better yet laugh about them. Also STOP caring how other people perceive you-build your own talents and strengths and forget trying to people please. Surround yourself with positive, loving people who love you for WHO you are. Be your own best friend, express your individuality. Some days will be better than others but STAND TALL. Stand up for yourself, stand up for others as you know that bullying is unacceptable. Find your own true style and self and ROCK IT OUT!:) Because after all there is only ONE you in the WHOLE world, love who you are warts and all:)!
Oct 26, 2015 more
There's many factors which people feel they aren't being themselves like the parents being a certain way or you aren't with your right crowd. Honestly, just take a chance and be youself the least of your worries should be getting judged that happens most of the time without us being able to handle it.
Oct 27, 2015 more
The only person stopping you from being yourself is you. We are in charge of our own fate and it's down to us how we put ourselves across to the world. Don't let anyone make you feel afraid to be you because it shows more about them than it does about you. If someone wants you to be different then they aren't worth wasting your emotion on, they are envious of you so take it as a compliment. Surround yourself with people you love and people who love you and you will flourish.
Nov 2, 2015 more
Some times people don't like who we are. So we change our personalities and looks. We try to be someone were not so that people like us.
Nov 3, 2015 more
Sometimes people have a fear of fully being themselves due to a fear of not being accepted for who the are
Nov 27, 2015 more
We live in a world where we are taught to conform, follow and submit. The world tries to change us, so it's a great thing to be an individual. Find your own sense of identity and have confidence in yourself.
Mar 24, 2016 more
Sometimes, you feel like society is judging you for who you are, and therefore you become what the society want you to be, it's kinda hard to be yourself, but with some confidence and self belief you'll be able to be who you actually are. "you were born original, don't die a copy"
Apr 17, 2016 more
"You have to be odd to be #1 you know. Be yourself and be nobody else, just be who you are and you can shine and shine and you'll live your life."
Be yourself and nobody else. You'll be happy that way if you just remember this rhyme.
Apr 19, 2016 more
Why can't you? Are you afraid to let them know who you really are? Afraid that they might reject the real 'you'. Why do you hide? Why do you wear a mask? Is it for them or is it for you? But are you happy? Or instead you feel awful and suffocated? Think about it. Why can't you be yourself?
May 31, 2016 more
Who said you can't? That said sometimes for purposes of getting along with society we pretend to be better. Like wearing deodorant. You can't be yourself if your smell hurts others. To get along, you mask your smell. Does that make sense?
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