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Why am I not good enough for my parents?

Profile: courageousMagic24
courageousMagic24 on May 2, 2015
Family Stress Expert more
My parents always compare me to other highly educated people and constantly tell me about what I'm missing. But if they rather accepted me for who I am and what I enjoy, no matter how crazy it may be, things would have been a load better.
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Profile: SagaciousWizard
SagaciousWizard on May 16, 2015 more
While some parents are just mean, other parents have a tremendous amount of expectation for their children and nothing ever seems good enough. This is true for any ethnic group and is most common in the Asian culture and are often referred as "Tiger Parenting". Example: 12 year old receives an A on their report card. Instead of getting praised they are scolded for not receiving an A+. Although this type of example may not be true for most but the concept of it is very commonly practiced.
Profile: IntuitiveDrops
IntuitiveDrops on Jun 17, 2015 more
Your parents probably lack the self-esteem and wisdom to see that you are enough and will always be enough. They probably want you to fill a hole in themselves they cannot fill. Only when you realize that you are not in fact responsible for your parents or how they feel about you, you can move on.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 5, 2015 more
Because they are ignorant and self centered
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 26, 2014 more
most parents have a definite perception and high expectation from their children and when the child sways away from their wishes their high hopes are not realised they begin to vent their anger or frustration by making the child feel they are not good enough for them but on the other side to be fair to the parents they are expected to produce highly successful children from their peers and society and the child's failure makes them feel they have failed too and end up beating themselves too hard and of course making the child the butt of their anger
Profile: 5thousandmiles
5thousandmiles on Aug 10, 2015 more
Sometimes we feel this way and sometimes our parents make us feel this way. The important thing to ask is if you're doing your best? If you are, then the rest is not important. We all want to live up to our parents expectations, but sometimes we can't, and that's okay.
Profile: olivialoopez
olivialoopez on Nov 25, 2014 more
A son or daughter is always good enough just because you exist. Your parents love you for existing and for being their child. It is true we tend to try to overcome our limits to try to be successful for them, but they'll always love you no matter what.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 19, 2014 more
You are. Most of the time your parents don't realise that their wanting better for you or their attempt to motivate you actually discourages you. Other times when we don't reach our own inner expectations we tend to think we have failed others, when, in fact, we have disappointed our own selves. You are more than enough!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 6, 2018 more
What do you mean you’re not good enough? You just have the weight of the world on your shoulders, but you will get better. How I know? You’re stronger than what you think, you’ve made it this far. Going through hell and back. You can do it, so when you think you’re not good enough, know that others see it differently. You are perfect, you are you. Don’t change that, or lose the true you. Yes it might be hiding, but it will come out soon you just have to wait and see! 😄😁
Profile: AwkwardGlasses
AwkwardGlasses on Apr 12, 2015 more
Sometimes our parents see us as the embodiment of their ambition. That can lead to an unfair expectations. My Dad is a conservative person, and me being an artist rattles him a lot. Each person is different, and you can't force yourself to fit in someone else's shoes. Be happy for who you are :)
Profile: AlwaysUpFromHere
AlwaysUpFromHere on Jan 5, 2015 more
I can't speak to your parents in particular because I don't know them, but typical when someone doesn't feel like they are good enough for their parents, it is because their parents may hold them to unreachable standards. For example, your parents may love you so much that they think you can do no wrong and when you do, they are terribly disappointed. This is not because they don't love you or they don't think you are good enough, just because they expect more out of you than any human should another human. Every falters and some people forget that. Don't forget that you have value and you ARE good enough!
Profile: SarahAndIchigo
SarahAndIchigo on Nov 30, 2014 more
You are good enough for /everyone/ you encounter in your life. More than good enough, in fact. :) It may be hard for you to understand this when you're feeling upset and unsure, but the people around you need you for who /you/ are, not anyone else. This goes for your parents as well!
Profile: AnnieElen
AnnieElen on Nov 24, 2014 more
You are amazing! Your parents just might not get you. Don't discourage yourself because of them. You can talk with them about yourself, and who you really are.
Profile: aslongasyouneedme
aslongasyouneedme on Apr 3, 2015 more
Everyone's parents had certain expectations from their own lives. Some of these came true others didn't. Now they expect their kids to fulfill their dreams it expectations, but it's not their fault. Also, they made certain mistakes in their lives which were horrible and they don't want us to commit the same mistakes. And when you don't stand up to their expectations or are doing the same wrongs that they did, they make you feel like you are not good enough for them.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 17, 2016 more
It's just that parents sometimes expect their kids to be THE BEST. They expect them to be better than the other kids. This creates a pressure on children and so they think that they are never really good enough for their parents.
Profile: ImLittleM
ImLittleM on Nov 16, 2015 more
You may feel like you are not good enough for your parents, but I am sure you are. Parents sometimes have standards that seem impossible to meet, but it is only because they want to see you be successful and accomplish your goals.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 20, 2016 more
Some parents expect you to be successful in everything you do and when your not successful they get mad at you.
Profile: warmWatermelon60
warmWatermelon60 on Apr 10, 2015 more
You're always good enough for you parents! they just want the best for you... that's why they may push you!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 2, 2015 more
At some point of our lives we feel that we are not good enough for our parents (primarily we tend to think about it when we are crossing teen age and entering in our 20s or it can be otherwise) Your parents only need Respect and Love from you and nothing else, If these two are there, then You are absolutely good enough for your parents. If you think only money or things can differentiate you on this basis then this is not true. Only after respect and love these things are valued by your parents. So primarily, Your Parents need you to be present with them (physically And emotionally, and if not physically then Emotionally). Value small things in life, you will never feel this way.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 9, 2015 more
To be honest i know someone that is in this situation.. Guys for some parents you are good enough.... Some are just thinking that u are good enough but in their heart u arent.... Like this guy that i know his mom told him that she wishesi could pick my own kid... All the kid does is play video games, study when needed
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