What age is too young to leave home?
Jul 24, 2020
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I'd say 10-17 years olds are too young to leave home. That's the puberty period,a child grows up to be a teen, a teen grows up to be a young adult. It's an important bend in the road that we call life. A child's mind comes to form into a shape within this timespan. So many things occur at once, physical changes, psychological maturity... A good family can walk a kid thru this time, patiently. If that doesn't happen properly, if the kid doesn't have proper guidance and care, he/she is destined to divert from the path of destiny. It's tremendously important. One single mistake- and your child is scarred for life. And sometimes those scarred for life kids just can't take it anymore. The family stress, the drama... it all feels like a heavy burden on their shoulders. And as they are kids, not mature enough and no mature one to teach him enough- he thinks running away is the best answer. Running away from home, which is the root of it all. Escaping the situation because they are too young and naive and impatient to deal with it all.
Jul 24, 2020
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I know the desire to leave home can be super strong, especially if you're in a negative/abusive/toxic family, however, its best not to leave until you're an adult. Minors can be easily taken advantage of and also if you're not financially stable, there are a host of other problems that could occur such as homlessness. My advice to you is wait until you're a legal adult and have a steady job/cash flow before leaving home. Make sure you can fully support yourself before making a drastic move such as leaving home. Anything sooner could result in so many issues. Good luck!
Jul 29, 2020
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Well, legality is a key factor, but not the only factor. Some young adults may be mature enough to leave home at an early stage while others need more support and growth before taking such a step. So it all depends on the individual circumstances. Obviously the person must be able to support themselves, this means that the person must be able to work and care for themselves. Yet some people might have enough maturity to leave home as soon as they turn 16 or 18 depending on location, while you get individuals that are dependant and might only be able to leave home after the age of 20 and succeed.
Aug 6, 2020
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‘Too young’ isn’t a thing. It depends on your circumstances. If you’re being abused sexually, emotionally, verbally etc it’s best to leave as soon as possible, as soon as you notice the abuse, you could be 10 or 19. It’s best to leave the situation no matter what age you are. But if it’s a situation where you just want to leave as you WANT to, and it’s not that you need to. The youngest is most likely 18 or 19. You're an adult now and should be able to make your own decisions and understand the consequences :))
Aug 14, 2020
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When you are not legally an adult. The typical age of attaining legal adulthood is 18, although definition may vary by legal rights and country. So the age of seventeen in most places would be too young. That said I personally left home younger than that and many people do, it really just depends on the individual. People mature at different paces which is why the world cannot even agree on what the legal age is for an adult. Perhaps if you are unable to have sex without parental consent you shouldn’t leave home but again that age varies between countries and even states!
Sep 3, 2020
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Age is only a number, what matters is the maturity of the one that ant to leave home, also how and with who does this person have a job, financial support to let say buy a house, also with who? a trustable partner, a roommate, alone. and where, in a safe zone or dangerous part? It's not easy to find the right moment to leave home. How is the situation at home? do she or he get along with parents or in some cases with a stepmother or stepfather? brothers sisters, own room, or shared with siblings. This is a question that has no general answer,m it's different for every person
Sep 10, 2020
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If you are too young to provide for yourself by having legal employment then you are too young. Living alone without parents takes a lot of responsibility and the cost of living is very expensive. If you are leaving home make a check list to ensure you are ready to take on that responsibility. Do you have a job? Do you have money saved for emergencies? Do you have reliable transportation? Do you have reliable shelter or housing in place? Can you afford to feed and cloth yourself? If you answered yes to all of those questions then you may be old enough to be on your own.
Sep 26, 2020
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Legally you cannot leave your home until the age of sixteen, therefore any age under that would be considered "too young". If you are financially able to move out, and safely able to, sixteen is a perfectly fine age to move out at. You could also look at becoming emancipated. This is were you are freed from control by parents or guardians and you are considered an adult, but with several restrictions. To sum it up, if you are able to support yourself financially, and not need the help of others for your basic necessities, you can leave home.
Oct 7, 2020
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Personally, I think it is too young to leave home if you have doubts about living alone and don't have enough money for that. Of course, it's better to have an ID and some certifications or even a good job. So the minimum age might be 17 or even 19. I would say the later the better, but it depends on the living conditions and the atmosphere at home. Another important question is why? Do you want to live independently and make your own decisions? Or are just trying to escape from yourself or someone else and make a lot of mistakes?
Oct 22, 2020
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In general, most teens younger than 16 aren’t mature enough to stay home alone overnight. But it’s important to base your decision on your teen’s maturity level. When thinking about your teen’s ability to safely stay home alone, ask yourself these questions:
* Can your teen resist peer pressure?
* Does your teen know how to respond to an emergency?
* Do you have anyone to check on your teen?
* Is your teen likely to be fearful?
* How well does your teen follow the rules?
Also very important if you have more than one sibling. It’s one thing for a 16-year-old to stay home alone for the night, but it’s completely different for them to care for younger siblings. Consider finding a place for younger siblings to go while you let your teen practice being home alone a few times before having them babysit siblings overnight.
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