What age is too young to leave home?
Jul 6, 2019
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There's no age too young for being independent. But get this: Are you able to? What's your purpose of living alone?
If you can't find a good, meaningful reason, then it means you're still too young. If you're not able to take care of yourself, then you're still too young.
But even though there's a 10 years old boy who owns big company and wants to live alone already while having servants to take care of him, doesn't mean he's quite ready.
Mentally, does he still need his family's love? Does he have that maturity? If not, then I believe he's still too young. Living alone is not about "ability" or "leisure". It's about "maturity" and "being independent".
Jul 21, 2019
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In my opinion, it's not the age, but the context of the situation. Why do you need to leave- is your safety at risk? Do you have resources to help the transition from leaving home to being on your own (This could be anything from a place to stay, a job, a youth/transition shelter, a friend's family to help, a support system- do you have a way for your basic needs to be met? Note that in situations of violence, there are resources to help you). You know yourself, your situation, and your needs best. It is also important to consider what legal processes might happen if you are under the age of majority- will you continue going to school, etc. There are resources to provide guidance in many different cases.
Aug 18, 2019
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You're too young to leave home if you can't provide basic daily things like a home, a bed to sleep on, food to eat and all other necessary things you need to sort out while living away from parents. It costs a lot to live on your own and you need to have alright income or take huge loans to be able to do it.
Oct 30, 2019
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13/14. I still think 15 is also too young, but I feel as if by around 15 you start learning enough independence to be able to figure out at least how to live on your own. Some people hire as young as 15. Ideally, if a person needs to leave home, due to toxicity or other extenuating circumstances, I think 16 is the best time, due to more job prospects and having a license potentially. But I only encourage that for people that absolutely have to out of necessity. It's never an easy thing to go through when you make the decision to leave home.
Nov 6, 2019
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Age which is too young to leave home depends on local laws and customs. In Europe and USA person is considered adult when they are 18 years old and they can leave home by this age. In some other countries different rules or customs my apply. But for financial safety you have to take into account whether you wish to study (and whether you are eglible to scholarship) or you wish to start working. Also getting a flat on your own can be tricky when you don't have got enough income (without enough income you can neither pay rent nor get a credit to buy your own flat). When you are financially indepedent, you can leave your home safely.
Dec 26, 2019
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That depends completely on the person. In order to leave home, a person should be able to take care of them self. This means they should have a steady income, a place to live, and be able to buy things like food, clothing, and other necessities. This means that even a person as young as 16 could live on their own. However, that doesn't always make it the best option. If a person is very young, they may not be emotionally or mentally prepared for living alone as an adult. At the end of the day, it's up to the person leaving their home to decide if the pros outweigh the cons.
Dec 28, 2019
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18 or below, this is because it is not safe out there, being 18, it would also mean you're legally an adult, as well as being more prepared by others and having some sort of experience with life and such, if they were to leave any older, it would also be alright as they could just have more experience and possibly be more prepared. However, I believe as long they are prepared and ready to leave home to possibly try new things and live their life, I believe they should be able to do that at most ages about 18.
Feb 1, 2020
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i personally believe anyone under 15 should try to not leave home. this is because they cannot always support themselves. there are always exceptions in life, kids who are able to support themselves or can easily find work, but that is not always the case. i had to leave home at a young age and was not prepared. i do feel that fourteen to sixteen year olds can leave the home if completely necessary, but just ask them to make sure they can support themselves. support systems can also be a big help, sometimes staying with friends to get you out of the house can be a good option.
Mar 9, 2020
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Legally, a minor should only be able to leave home at age 18 in most countries. Before that, parents are legally required to provide you with all of your basic necessities (food, water, clothing, shelter, education, and a loving environment). With the consent of your parents and if you feel both morally and economically ready to leave at an earlier age you can do that too. However, if you plan to leave your home at younger than 18 years old, you will have to talk to your parents about it. Personally, I feel that 18 is the youngest a person should leave their home.
Mar 21, 2020
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There are many ages that are too young to leave home. Of course, you don't wanna leave the home while you're still in school. Even if you are to support yourself with a job and you think you seem financially set, there are always setbacks that could come. If you plan on going to college, that would be a reasonable time to leave home since it faces experiences in which you won't be under your family's care. Around 17 or 18, as that would be a time the average person would finish required schooling, would be the most sensible time since sooner or later you will no longer be able to be under family care.
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