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My parents don't listen to me, what should I do?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 26, 2015 more
Well, the answer to this question depends on a lot of factors--right from your age to the culture you belong to. And most importantly, what are they not listening to you about? From my personal experience, more often than not, it is teenagers who have problems with their parents, so I am going to assume you are a teenager as well. Most parents don't listen to what their kids have got to say about matters because they fail to see that their child is growing up and is becoming more mature with each day that passes by. Probably the best way to tackle this is by keeping your cool. Remember that no matter how infuriating they can get, they are still your parents [and if you are a minor, they have considerable power over you] and you must ensure that you do not flip. Staying level headed helps you maintain your sanity and trying to convince them in a calm state of mind goes a long way in helping you prove your point. It will also make you sound far more superior than them when you are in zen mode despite the terse situation. If you want a detailed response that is specific to your situation, then you will have to describe your case in a little more detail.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 27, 2016 more
Express how much it hurts when they don't listen to you. Tell them you want to have a good relationship with them but you don't feel like you can do that if they aren't listening to you.
Profile: victor
victor on May 18, 2016 more
Your parents knows best because, they are more experienced than you are. Children should listen to their parents and not the other way around.
Profile: whitedancer69
whitedancer69 on Mar 23, 2016 more
sometimes parents think they no best and dont like hearing otherwize. remotley there is nothing you can do, besides trying to get them to hear you out
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 15, 2016 more
My mother can be dismissive and sometimes just ignore me. Like, on purpose. I found that talking to someone else can help. I have a therapist, and counselor that I talk to because my parents won't.
Profile: HerforU2580
HerforU2580 on Oct 23, 2014 more
parents sometimes feel they are in the right and dont listen but you need to state what you want and keep repeating it until the do hear you may take lots of work but it will in the end good luck sending a hug
Profile: Pandette
Pandette on Oct 27, 2014 more
What are the methods you have tried in order to get your parents to listen to you? I feel like parents see themselves as authoritative figures and feel like they know what is best. From personal experience, when my parents would not listen to me (verbally), I took the time to write a letter to them and just let them read it for themselves. Turned out to help a lot!
Profile: bthechange89
bthechange89 on Jun 14, 2015 more
I understand this feeling very well and I think it is a common feeling for people to have about their parents. It is my opinion that we absolutely need to be honest in all our relationships from family relationships to dating. If we hide or repress what we are feeling and thinking, the relationship has a strong tendency to become unhealthy for both sides or all sides. It is better I believe to be straightforward and honest than to repress your feelings and keep them inside. That said, you might think about finding a time to talk to mom and dad about your feelings: that you don't think they are listening to you. This gives them the opportunity to change their behavior. I would use what I call a sandwiching technique. You start the conversation off very nicely with something about how you love them and you need them to listen to what you have to say right now because it is really important to you. Then you tell them how you feel using "I feel" statements, which put people less on the defensive. So you might say "I feel like you do not listen to me because x, y, and z. And that makes me feel this way." Then wrap up the conversation by saying something about how you know they love you and you feel that them listening to you would be very meaningful.
Profile: Varna
Varna on Nov 16, 2014 more
Explain it in a way they'll listen. It's not that they don't listen to you because they don't want to, it's just that they want you to take the right path always. If you're very sure what you want is right, explain it to them in a good way. :)
Profile: Asparagus515
Asparagus515 on Nov 5, 2014 more
Have you tried to approach them about this? They might not even realize that they are ignoring the things you say. Your parents do have control over you but it's important to remember that you are your own person with your own individual needs. Good luck friend!
Profile: MyaNK
MyaNK on Aug 13, 2016 more
I would suggest to try writing them a letter (or an email), explaining everything you want to say. This means your thoughts will be well thought out, coherent and organized, and they have to take into account everything you have to say before responding. Also, this will make it less likely that the discussion will escalate into an argument.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 24, 2016 more
If your parents don't listen to you, think back at everything they have done for you in the past. When you got sick, when you had a bad day at school, when you won an award, when you played a sport... Believe it or not, your parents listen to you more than you realize. After I realized that, my mother and I became best friends. When I didn't feel like she listened, it actually wasn't that she wasn't listening, it was that she didn't understand the situation from my point of view. I encourage anyone who feels that their parents don't listen to them, to give them a chance and to look at it from their point of view.
Profile: SparklingStarbuck
SparklingStarbuck on May 20, 2016 more
Parents are the creators of our world with tons of experience more than us, If they are doing something it has to be of some use for the kids. So firstly try to follow the path of your parents. In case you don't want to follow their path, prove them theoretically that you know what the right path for yourself is, if you are able to convince them with your thoughts, they will listen. Still if they do not listen, think about the worse case scenario of your path, what can be the worst result about your path, even after thinking of the worst case scenario of your path your are not afraid and convinced that this is the right path for you, GO AHEAD ON YOUR OWN and show the world. Wishing you all the best. May the joy be with you:-)!!!
Profile: libby120398
libby120398 on Oct 4, 2014 more
Ask to sit down with them and speak calmly, clearly and maturely, this way they'll be more open to listen to what you have to say and you will have each other's full attention.
Profile: disclousure
disclousure on Apr 6, 2016 more
Maybe the way you're approaching them isn't as effective as it could be. It's easier done than said, but sitting them down and telling them how you feel in a mature way might show them you're worth listening to!
Profile: AmykinzHereToHelp9402
AmykinzHereToHelp9402 on Apr 13, 2016 more
That can be tough and I know how that feels. I would sit down with them with no distractions e.g, phones, tvs, laptop etc and discuss how you really feel. It can be hard feeling like your not listened to or worthy. Say in depth how you feel and get some feedback from them too.
Profile: redracer28
redracer28 on Oct 30, 2014 more
You could try writing them a letter explaining how you feel and what you want to change about the relationship you have.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 17, 2016 more
If you see that your parents don't listen to you, try taking a step back, calming down, and asking yourself some questions. What are you arguing about? Can you reach a compromise? I found that whenever I couldn't agree with my parents, it helped a lot.
Profile: Zohaash
Zohaash on Mar 18, 2016 more
Try listening to your parents
Profile: Sophaye
Sophaye on Oct 31, 2014 more
You should try to connect with them in a different way. Maybe in a more compassionate way. Tell them how you're feeling, and it bothers you that they are not giving your their full attention.
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