My grandparent has dementia. How do I deal with this? What can I expect?
Oct 24, 2017 more
My mom has dementia so it’s common on certain days she will talk in a way that seems senseless, bringing up the past, complaining and memory loss or lapses in memory is common. She tends to argue and claim that she is right. The best thing to do is to stay calm and not argue back. When I feel angry that she keeps blaming me or my wife, I leave the room, take deep breaths and then come back after sometime. Dementia is temporary so if you just wait then your grandparent will get over it. I also suggest giving them something to pass their time and help their memory like games on an iPad or cellphone, watching tv also helps distract and they forget and get over their mood swings.
May 4, 2020 more
You will have to be patience with them. There's gonna be time they forget how to do simple stuff, but becoming frustrated with the issue is not going to help but make may make matter worse. The person you caring for is affected by brain disorder, which shapes who they're. The more you try to control their behaviour, the more likely you will face with resistance. So if you haven'nt meet a professional regarding the case, you should. Time can be hard with someone you love suffering from dementia. If things are feeling overwhelm, you can try reminiscing about the good old days with your grandparent! Remembering the good old days can be soothing and affirming. Most people with dementia cannot remember events from an hour ago. However, they usually can recall major events from their distant past.
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