My father is having an extramarital affair. Part of me wants to end my relationship with him for cheating on my mom, but i worry that he will be depressed as he loves me a lot. How do I deal with this situation?
Jun 14, 2018 more
Although you're angry with him for cheating on your mother and it is a very wrong thing to do, that would be between your mother and father. You can talk to him about how you feel with him and his actions calmly and peacefully.
Jun 22, 2018 more
What a heartbreaking decision, to have to decide but having gone through this myself with my own dad I chose to forgive, forgiveness takes away the pain of the situation and the burden of this on your father would be unbearable, you are human and to feel human you have to be able to accept what he did and move one is the best thing you can do
Jun 24, 2018 more
This is a hard place to be and unfortunate you have to be in this situation. I am sorry for your pain and dilemma. Exploring your feelings with you dad is something that may help and talking to him about how this makes you feel may start your relationship on a better path. You didn't mention if your mother knows or not.
Jul 4, 2018 more
First of all,i’m really sorry you’re going through that, secondly i think you live only once so you should do what you’re think is best for YOU. Think about yourself and your feelings as priority not anyone else’s. If you’re not feeling comfortable being around him and if you feel like you will be better off without him, then cut him off your life.
Jul 5, 2018 more
You and your father seem to be going through a lot. Your father may regret his choice for cheating or he may not. It seems that you still care for him and he still cares for you. The best thing is to rethink this whole situation from both perspectives even though that will not be an easy thing to do. At the end of the day you are the one who will know what is best for you. I wish you the best of luck!
Jul 6, 2018 more
Since he loves you a lot, he shouldn't be putting you through this pain. Talk to him about it! You nor your mom deserve to go through this.
Jul 6, 2018 more
Well for one, does your mother know? Regardless they are your parents and as such, they may not want you to worry so much. It’s their marriage and they’ll have to figure it out for themselves. At the moment you are upset and disappointed with your father but I’m sure you still love him. Maybe you should take some time for yourself and really think about it. One thing for sure is that if you strongly feel like you want to end your relationship with him, don’t let anyone guilt you into not doing so. But either way you have to allow your parents to handle their situation.
Jul 8, 2018 more
There's no excuse for cheating. If you want to end your relationship with him because he cheated your mother then do so. I think you are right.
Jul 18, 2018 more
Talk to him, he needs help. Make him realize how its effecting you all. Don't disown him before even trying respectfully. An act of kindly dealing with the situation can make a difference rather than jumping into opposing the situation harshly. Try to replace that women with your Mom back again. Try to find and work out whats he missing in your Mom and looking in that other woman, and get it back between them.
Jul 25, 2018 more
I’m so sorry to hear that! I really do hope it’ll get better, maybe try talking to him about it! or maybe even your mom! it’ll be okay, we can get through this. tigether!
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