My dad likes to touch me. Is this sexual abuse?
Jan 20, 2018 more
If you feel uncomfortable about it and he touches you in inappropriate places, it is considered sexual abuse.
Feb 3, 2018 more
It definitely is, if the touching is happening in a sexual way. It is not appropriate for a parental figure to act in that way with their child.
Feb 6, 2018 more
Touching is not sexual abuse. It's depends on where he touches. There is a limit for everything right. No matter, even if he is your father he cannot touch you in some spots. Normal touching and huggings are not an issue. Make sure you know the difference between abovementioned.
Feb 15, 2018 more
Yes! Especially if you are uncomfortable, and it’s sexual. Make sure to talk to someone you trust, outside of your mom or dad.
Feb 15, 2018 more
Any touching that is not consensual can be considered sexual abuse. It is important to make sure he knows your boundaries. If he does, but still continues to cross them, then yes, this would be considered sexual abuse. If someone is touching you and it makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your gut that you know what is crossing a line and what is not.
Feb 28, 2018 more
Hey love! Your dad likes to touch you. It actually depends on the way he touches you and the parts where he touches you. How do you feel of his touch? Disgusted or you feel love and care? It actually depends on that!
Mar 23, 2018 more
Setting boundaries is important as you grow older and mature. When it comes to our parents, what used to be cute and cuddly can be over stepping our personal boundaries which should be respected. You are well within your right to be assertive when you feel uncomfortable. If you are not heard then it is emotional abuse and can border on sexual abuse. You have a right to feel safe and to be respected. If your father touches you in a sexual place (your breasts or between your legs) without your consent or understanding then this is sexual abuse and you must report it honestly. You will be heard and you will be acknowledged.
Mar 28, 2018 more
In order to understand definition of apparent touching is a very broad word to use first off exactly where is this touching taking place is it touching the nose touching hair touching your arm to get your attention until you know exactly more details one cannot jump to the conclusion that it's sexual abuse. But of course if there is such a case it should be immediately reported
Apr 5, 2018 more
Are you safe? This is sexual abuse, No one should do that, it's not your fault, How long has he been doing this?
Apr 13, 2018 more
It depends on where he's touching you. But if you don't like it you should totally tell him about how you feel.
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