My dad likes to touch me. Is this sexual abuse?
Nov 27, 2016 more
It is when he does it without your consent and you start feeling wary about it. Especially when he starts touching places too near/close for you liking.
Dec 16, 2016 more
If he does it without your consent or if you are under age, then it is not okay, and it is abuse. It's not okay either way.
Dec 16, 2016 more
Every parent, mums and dads, touch their children. Sounds to me you feel what dad does is not appropriate. How do you feel about it?
Dec 30, 2016 more
If he touches you in anyway you don't want to be touched than that is a type of abuse. If he is touching your chest area or your private areas then immediately go tell your mom or another adult you trust will help. In any case the police should be called right away.
Feb 2, 2017 more
I would definitely say so. If it is a part of you that you don't like having touched, or it is a part of you that the law says can't be touched, it is sexual abuse. I've had a similar situation to this question, and as much as I went along with it, I knew that it wasn't what I felt was right, and what I felt was okay, and what the law certainly most said it wasn't right or okay. And as awful as it is to come to the fact of "this is sexual abuse" It's what's best for everybody in the situation. Especially yourself.
Feb 17, 2017 more
That's hard to say. If I were touched in a way that made me feel uncomfortable, I would ask the person to please not touch me that way. If a father is touching a child in a way that isn't comfortable, the touching needs to stop. If I asked my dad to please stop the uncomfortable touching and he did not, I would then talk to another trusted adult or professional about it right away.
Apr 30, 2017 more
If you feel like he is touching in inappropriate places or manners, it most definitely is sexual abuse since you're not consenting to be touched like this! Please report it!
Jun 10, 2017 more
What makes a touch or any action "abuse" is that it violates the boundaries, and makes the person feel uncomfortable. It will create a feeling of invasion and disgust, and also inappropriateness.
It is "abuse" when it is unwilling!
Jun 11, 2017 more
It depends of the type of touching. If it is in a sexual manner then yes, this is abuse. If he has ever made you feel uncomfortable with his touching, which by the sounds of it, he has, then please remember that this is wrong, and you cal always seek support. You deserve to feel comfortable
Jun 19, 2017 more
Clarify "touch". If it makes you feel uncomfortable and he does not stop when you ask, tell an adult
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