My boyfriend or girlfriend is embarrassed of me. What should I do?
Jan 20, 2021 more
I think there are a few things to break down in this, first of all is it something that your partner has said directly to you, or is it a gut feeling that you have through there actions?
If its something they have told you, I think it would be worth talking with them and understanding what has made them say that, because the last thing you want to do is change your personality or the way you are for someone. You being you shouldn't be embarrassing to someone who loves you for who you are. I think careful consideration should be taken about how serious your partner is about if they are embarrassed of you and how that could affect you in the future.
If its a gut feeling you have, again, speak with your partner, but maybe question their behavior or ask them how they feel about the matter, Its important to start a conversation with them. Especially as it could be nothing at all.
You shouldn't have to worry or be worried about other people finding you embarrassing. Maybe you are jut more fun and interesting than they are.
You do you.
Mar 17, 2021 more
if your s/o is embarrassed of you, then they simply dont deserve you! love is without judgement. you accept them for who they are and love every part of them. i say find someone who lifts you up, not brings you down. it can be difficult to know for sure how to handle this with the s/o. i would explain to them how that made you feel. nobody deserves to feel like they're embarrassing. especially if you're being yourself. never change for any one. we are all unique in our own ways and deserving of love. i hope anyone reading this knows they're special.
Apr 4, 2021 more
maybe talk to them.. if they tell you genuinely you can try to be the way they want or if they don't have a reason nd can't love you enough .. dear you need to understand. its your life make it count. no one should be embarrassed of having you around if they love you. just try to be yourself no-one should ever feel like changing if front of their loved ones. you are strong and you have the right to be happy. firstly talk to them tell them how you feel and then understand their perspective as well .
Apr 18, 2021 more
Discuss what it is they are embarrassed about. If its an easy fix and you are ok with changing it do so. If not, try to be understanding of her or his feelings. Explain why this is not something you are willing to change. See if there is a medium compromise. Or discuss what else can be done to address the issue. If the person is wanting you to change things that are unreasonable or are trying to make you someone you aren't...a change in partner may be the only answer. It is not good to change your entire self if you don't like the changes. That will only lead to resentment.
May 13, 2021 more
Talk. I cannot stress this enough. Talk to them. talk and talk until you can't talk anymore. Ask them if you guys could take some time to get down to the bottom of the situation. Find out what's causing this embarrassment. Get down to the bottom of the situation. Figuring out the why's are so important. Everything else comes easy after that. Communication is key in matters such as these. Hear your partner out, and then let them hear you out! After you understand where this embarrassment is coming from; dealing with it is so much easier.
May 15, 2021 more
First, assess why you think that. Did they say they were embarrassed by you? Did they give a funny expression? Did you hear it through gossip? If this was done one on one or in a group setting in an obvious way, ask them why they feel that way. Then, when they explain, say how that made you feel. If this is a case of reading non-verbal cues, bring it up in a casual conversation "the other day when we were watching TV you made me feel as though I embarrassed you when you said or did X". This should lead to an honest appraisal of the situation. Again, honest communication about touchy feelings can feel uncomfortable. Building trust through honest feedback is so important in any relationship. Lead with love and compassion, be honest, be authentic, be you!
May 27, 2021 more
I would sit them down just the two of you and explain how it makes you feel that they are embarrassed or you and calmly explain that everything about you is just part of who you are and that you can not change that and just explain your feelings whatever they may be, hurt, angry anything. A true relationship needs to have both partners able to express any emotion and be able to feel safe. Communication is very important and you should feel safe expressing your feelings in the relationship because without trust and communication no relationship will last.
Jun 3, 2021 more
Talk to them. Let them express what they're feeling. Make sure they understand that you feel unwanted, or like you're never enough. They shouldn't be embarrassed of you. Its wrong to feel such a way towards a partner. You should always feel accepted by them. I understand that you might feel let down, or like they let you down, and I'm sorry if you do. It's hard to go through relationships like this. If it develops into anything more, such as being embarrassed to be with you, or never taking you out in public the relationship can become toxic.
Jun 5, 2021 more
If your boyfriend or girlfriend is embarrassed by you then you may not be with the right person for you.
An equal and sustainable relationship needs to be contributed to by both people in the relationship. One may contribute more than the other but as long as there is contribution from both people the relationship should be sustainable.
If one person is always giving and the other is always taking then it may not be sustainable.
You may also start to develop resentment towards your partner if you are the one putting in all the effort.
A relationship should be equal. Not one sided.
Jun 19, 2021 more
Ask your boyfriend or girlfriend what exactly they are embarrassed about. It is important to make your partner feel heard. Talk through the issue. See if there is something that can be done from both sides. Is the issue on hand something you can change? Is the issue something that would bother someone else? Is there a way to change the outlook on the issue? Is there a way for both of you to work on the issue together? Ask your partner how you can improve the situation. Make each other feel comfortable; it is important that you also feel wanted.
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