I'm not sure if I was abused in my family or not-what should I do?
Dec 15, 2015
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Seek help, talk to others around you about what happened. A adult or teacher. Maybe even someone in the group. Abuse is a scary thing, and talking about it will help you get a better understanding on things that have happened and what to do about it or if it happens again.
Dec 28, 2015
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What is the reason that you think you have been abused?Have you talked to anyone about this issue before?well done for coming on to 7 cups of tea to talk to one of our fantastic listeners
Dec 29, 2015
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Speak to a professional or if it is physical or sexual abuse, the police. If a question like this ever comes to you, something probably happened. Do not attempt to face such demons alone, it will end in self-destruction.
May 9, 2016
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Read up more about abuse and what kind of abuse there are. The internet will help or you could talk to a therapist to be sure.
May 24, 2016
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First step is To smile :D Second is to ask yourself the question do they Hit you/Mentally Abuse you... If they hit you more that once a week then you may be in a abusive relationship with your family. If they scream at you and tell you things to put you down for no reason. Then you may be in a abusive relationship. If this is the case then you need to seek help immediately whether it's the police or a guidance counselor at school. I'm sorry try to keep your head up!
Jul 3, 2017
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Talk with a professional to speak and see what you can do to understand your past better and cope with your abuse .
Jul 11, 2017
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For this answer, I'm operating under limited information and the assumption that you think and/or feel that you were being hurt or harmed, yet what you're unsure of is whether or not this hurt or harm falls under abuse.
If my assumption is indeed the case, then I had a similar experience with you. For a while I've always known that there was something unhealthy if not wrong, and I've always classified the individual acts as individual instances. It took me eight years to accept that, regardless of label, those acts have done enough damage to my relationship with a person.
I didn't have to wait for the relationship to become toxic, nor for the acts to become abuse. In fact, the earlier I realized I wasn't content with the way things were, the earlier I could have stopped keeping myself from being healed.
If my assumption is indeed the case, would the label still matter to you? And if my assumption is indeed the case, what do you want to happen and what do you want to stop? If you know the answers to these two questions, it will be easier for you to find out what you want to do.
Nov 20, 2017
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I would consider seeking professional mental health in order to explore possible abuse in your past.
Jan 5, 2021
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If you are feeling depressed or unhappy and think that your childhood was not good enough or you are scared of anyone from your family then it may be a sign that you were abused in your family. Irrespective of whether you were abused or not you should take proper care of your mental health and physical health well. Take five or ten minutes each day and sit with yourself. Try to observe your thoughts. We get fifty thousand thoughts everyday but not every thought is a disturbing one. Observe yours. Find out which thoughts are disturbing your mental peace. Work upon them. Restructure them to positive ones. If you can't do this activity on your own then take help of a professional counselor.
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