I'm cheating on my husband or wife. Am I a bad person?
Nov 7, 2015
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I do not think that makes you a bad person. I would suggest exploring the reasons behind why you feel you need to cheat. Decide if that is fixable, and if so try to rekindle your marriage. If not then you need to consider the consequences to your actions, what that will do to them if they find out versus you telling them. If the relationship is over then deal with that instead of keeping them and putting them and yourself through this.
Nov 7, 2015
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At least it isn't something I would recommend to do,in general...
Sometimes it happens, for several reasons and causes hurt feelings one way ore the other, so better avoid it.
Nov 7, 2015
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I don't believe that something a person does makes them a bad person. No matter what you've done in your life you still have the ability to change and prosper.
Nov 7, 2015
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You must think about why. What are you missing from the marriage? Is it worth it? Is your spouse still what you need or should you move on?
Nov 7, 2015
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It depends on why you're cheating; if they love you and you know it, but you don't reciprocate their feelings anymore, then yes. You should never lead them on just because you feel sorry for them- end the relationship. If you DO love them back, you just like someone else, that is also not a good thing. Your wife/husband obviously didn't specify that, like most people, he/she wouldn't be comfortable if you were to see and have romantic and/or sexual relations with other people. They thought that they were entering an exclusive, monogamous relationship, but that is no longer the case. You should, again, be truthful. If, however, you've cheated because they have had an affair in the past or you just feel they don't treat you right/show you enough love, you were simply fulfilling a need. It's still not right; you could've approached them about this issue so they could have rectified it or ignored it, in which case, you should end the relationship. Cheating is never good but that doesn't mean your a bad person. If a child steals a boiled sweet from a shop, does that make them a hardened criminal? Nope- they just made a mistake. As long as they are truthful and don't do it again, they're in no way a bad person. This applies similarly to you. Just come clean.
Nov 8, 2015
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Who are we to judge here?
ask yourself why you cheat, how it makes you feel, and if it's worth staying with your spouse or trying to find an end to the relationship. Sometimes cheating is something done at the spur of the moment, but it needs to be thought through, and if you've fallen for someone else then it's best to sit down and admit it to yourself and then do what's necessary.
Nov 8, 2015
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No, you are not a bad person you just made a wrong decision. Everyone makes bad or wrong decisions.
Nov 8, 2015
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This is a tough question to answer. Being loyal to the one you commit to is very important, but being loyal and honest to yourself matters the most. Honesty is the best policy and nobody can judge whether you are a good or bad person unless they walk in your shoes... It's hard to fit 2 pairs of feet in one set of shoes...
Nov 8, 2015
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While the act of cheating is bad that does not mean you are bad.
It may help you to talk with your wife about this because most likely she will find out and communication will resolve any issues you may have in your marriage.
As long as the communication is done in a nonjudgmental, nonconfrontational and respectful manner, things should be able to improve so long as both of you are willing to own up to any mistakes you have made and take ownership of what needs to occur to help improve your marriage.
Too many people believe that they need to drop their marriage because they (or their partner) has cheated but in reality things can be improved with the right help.
Hope all improves for you!!
Nov 8, 2015
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You're not a bad person but cheating is clearly not a good thing. Why did you do that? If you still have a feeling for your wife/husband, you wouldn't do that
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