How to stop hating your mother in law?
Jun 3, 2020 more
By stepping into her shoes and by trying to understand her perspective. It's important to acknowledge her human side as well and understand that she would probably make mistakes sometimes and that is okay. It would be much easier to accept her the way she is rather than hating her. We need to stop spending such strong negative emotions over those part of our lives which we cannot control. Focus on the brighter side. These strong negative feelings does more harm to you than good. It will affect you more. It is like poison which you are creating inside you, it has potential to destroy you.
Jun 24, 2020 more
try to understand her situation and where she's coming from. also keep in mind that, she is the person that raised your partner/wife and that means a lot for you wife. you san sit with her and talk to her sincerely to understand where she's coming from. Understand her role in your life. Another thing is do not set any expectation from her. try to explain yourself to avoid conflict or miscommunication. transparency is the key. I'm sure she has a good intentions for your and your partner and so do you. you both have common goal and understanding and respect is the key.
Jul 11, 2020 more
Best thing to do is try to turn lemons into lemonade. Sometimes it won't work...but at least you can try. Chances are you will cry at her funeral so focus on what you can learn from her. Ask her questions like she is a friend. Try to think constructively. A day here and a day there it is okay to hate...but remember that any one can be a destroyer or a vandal... But only a few cultures on earth have done more quiet building than destroying. All people are a subset of those greater cultures. As a living and loving not hating and hurting.
Aug 13, 2020 more
First, I would identify the reason behind your hatred for your mother in law. After this, ask yourself why does this make me hate someone like her? Then after you identify the what and the why, I would grow past these feelings and spend quality time with your mother in law. Even though it can be hard, just know that it's for the long run and that this will ultimately benefit your relationship with her and your partner than hurt it. Hopefully by spending time with her, you can find common hobbies and interests that create a bridge between you two. You got this! And remember to be the bigger person or at least try to!
Sep 5, 2020 more
Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries. Figure out what you are comfortable talking about with her, and what activities you're willing to do with her around. Learn short simple phrases you will say to side step moments where she's knowingly/unknowingly being combative. When boundaries are violated make incredibly clear what the consequences are. Look up 'gray rock' method and how to use it for when all else fails. Naturally all of this will have to be discussed with your significant other. It's that much harder to enforce these things when you are not on the same page. Best of luck to you and your situation!
Sep 23, 2020 more
Having strong feelings of dislike for anyone can be a difficult obstacle to overcome. However, often when we feel strong negative emotions towards someone, those thoughts and feelings can be eased by forming a sense of relatability between you and that person. This doesn't mean you have to hang out with them until they grind your last nerve, in fact, relating to someone can be work you do alone, internally. When you find things you have in common with the person, or start to build an understanding for why they are the way they are, it can become harder to blame or hate them.
Oct 9, 2020 more
Create a list of things you don’t like about her. Then write down different options or solutions to fix the issue. You may even want to consider having a discussion with her about both lists of dislikes and possible solutions. Communication is key especially when tensions are high. She may not know or understand why you dislike her. After having a heart to heart discussion if all else fails you can agree to disagree. At this point you both should feel the air between you is a bit more clear. You may have also learned something from each other you didn’t already know.
Nov 8, 2020 more
This one is tough, sometimes two people do just not get along no matter how much you want them to. First, I suggest having a hear to heart with her, even if that sounds like the worst idea ever, at least you tried to figure out where your differences are, and see if you have anything you agree on and that you can bond over. True to see her perspective, you don't have to agree with her, but understanding where she is coming from and why she does/says certain things may help you when you respond to her and interact with her. Second, talk to your spouse about how you feel when you are with your MIL (being mindful this is their mom and may be protective). Instead of saying you hate her, explain how she makes you feel. "it hurts my feelings when she..... I feel like she doesn't accept me...." and ask for your partners advice, as well as understanding that you may never become close with their mom and would appreciate if they accepted that and didn't try to push you to be close, to respect your feelings and run interference if need be. Finally, if none of that works, since you are "stuck" with your MIL, see if you can find a couple things you appreciate about her, it could even be just that she birthed your partner. That way, when she is really bothering you, remind yourself that without her, you wouldn't have your partner. Its not going to make you like her anymore, but it might help you tolerate being around her.
Nov 20, 2020 more
Hate is such a strong word, why say hate. Find ways to connect with your mother in law it could be just a misunderstanding. Set some boundaries when it comes to your mother in law, sometimes they may not know that you are uncomfortable with things they are doing until you say something. Forgiving plays a major part in getting the hatred to stop. It's all about the people you are willing to tolerate in life and being your mother in law you have to tolerate for your husband's sake. Figure out what triggers you to hate your mother in law that way you know to stay clear from it or to learn your trigger to have better control.
Nov 29, 2020 more
By being first to apologise and to ask her to validate your feelings and to place firm boundaries towards her. Try to validate her feelings too. Don't apologise for your actions to no one,including her. Find a way to forgive, mentally and emotionally. It is good to relieve from your pain. Forgiveness is actually setting boundaries. Do what is comfortable for when you are around her. Don't go to her in a stage of distress. Just go when you are calm and in control of yourself. If she did nothing wrong, ask yourself why do you hate her. Jelaousy, her for being her? Find a reason to respect her and see her good sides.
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