How to stop hating your mother?
Apr 23, 2016 more
Think of the things she has done for you, If your mother has not done anything for you or is abusive towards you think of ways to live your life and be more successful without her
Apr 24, 2016 more
Put yourself in her shoes,try to give her a chance,do things for her,make her to up to her :)
Jun 11, 2016 more
If you want to stop hating your mother. You have to appreciate her. If you want to appreciate her've got to realise that she sacrificed her body to give you comfort when you were a fetus. If you want to stop hating your mother. Learn to love your mother. When we hate somebody it's usually a reflection of an aspect of our character that we don't like. Try and find common ground with her. She's your mother and you seem to want to improve your relationship with her. Try as use SMART tips to improve your relationship.
Jun 12, 2016 more
Change the way you think, dont be judgmental, ask yourself why is she doing what she's doing? Is it maybe because shes looking for the best for me?
Jun 15, 2016 more
Remember your mother is the one who gave you life, her love for you is something that cannot be replaced!
Jun 22, 2016 more
Gratitude and forgiveness. Parent/child relationships are often complex, filled with ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like there were more downs than ups. There might have very well been more downs than ups, but to move forward and improve our relationships we have to acknowledge and celebrate those ups. Give your mother the benefit of the doubt. Believe that she always did the best she was able. Be grateful for what she gave you and the good times you shared, and let go of your right to hold a grudge against her for that laundry list of ways she hurt you. This could take a long time, and certainly a lot of effort, but it could very well be worth it if you want to have a better relationship with your mother.
Jun 29, 2016 more
Realize that you are not the mother and you are not responsible for what she did, and have to forgive her and let it go or it will consume you and you will think negative until you let it go and forgive.
Jul 1, 2016 more
Depending on the circumstances we all carry hate and blame and put it on somebody else. It's important to love our family and especially our mothers. Talking out an issue and taking time to do that regularly is important
Jul 7, 2016 more
First of all you need to know why you hate her, then try to find a way to get around those things or fix them. Try talking to her or get your siblings or father to talk with her about your feelings. Hope that helps!
Jul 14, 2016 more
Start by setting aside your differences &talking to her about your problems. Try to work things out!
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