How to stop hating your mother?
Jun 26, 2020 more
Firstly, pause for a moment to think and reflect. For what reason do you hate your mother? Is there a reason your mother acts the way she does?If so is there a way for you to communicate to her and tell her kindly that you dislike the certain thing.From the question itself, I can see that you are putting the effort and somewhere in your heart there's at least a tiny bit of love for her whether you realise it or not. Think to yourself, how did you come to this world? Who took care of you ever since you were small?P ause for a moment and think of the things that your mother has done for you. Try listing down and counting them. Parents will always have a reason behind everything that they do. They unconditionally love you no matter the circumstances. Your mother is your family. Your mother is the one who carried you in your stomach for 9 whole months, who fed you, who took care of you when you were sick, who comforted you when you were sad or scared. Nothing can replace a mothere's care and love. Cherish every moment you have with her cause life is short and you do not want to dwell on regrets.
Jul 5, 2020 more
The foremost step is to introspect why are you hating your mother, where is this coming from. When you come to a point where you know from where is this thought coming from, then try to discover ways you can alter it. Meanwhile, the best way is to talk to her and express your feelings, tell her about something which is triggering that hate, be patient and affirmative, try your best to make her understand without letting her feel offended. Talking and expressing is the key to resolve hate as it leads to a conversation and understanding further on, which helps clear the cloudy thought of hate.
Jul 19, 2020 more
Being a mother is really not an easy task. Especially giving birth and having to give up their time/effort to take care of their baby. A lot of times people might find that their parents or mothers might be "annoying" because there always nagging but you should try to understand them more and stand from their point of view. What if there always nagging you because they actually care about you and love you. There's always misunderstandings in life. If it's not a misunderstanding then why hate someone that truly cares about you no matter what and it's very rare that you find someone like that in this world and most importantly people make mistakes in life. Were human and we're not perfect and most importantly your mother isn't either. No matter what she's still your mother/someone who truly care about you in this world.
Sep 10, 2020 more
Remember that first and foremost she is a human being just like you and that she can make mistakes and hurt and love and hate just like you.
Now I honestly don't know what you are going through, what you two have been through and where you are in life, but if your goal is to stop hating your mother the first thing you have to do is forgive her.
Not for her satisfaction, but for your peace. Hate takes its toll on ones soul and gives the person hating a burden to carry. But if you decide that in your right your mother is forgiven and everything she has done to you, everything you have done to her is in the past you can start the process to healing and moving past it and stop hating her.
I'm also not saying that you should just breeze over everything that has lead to you hating her, but don't let it take from you anymore.
That's how you move forward.
Oct 21, 2020 more
Put yourself in her shoes. She probably is just wanting the very best for you. If you can't see any reasoning for her actions, try sitting down and having a private chat with her. Me and my mom have had some tension in our relationship, but sometimes a nice, peaceful chat helps us get on each other's levels. If those don't work, outside help, such as a therapist or other adult could help you both understand each other's perspectives. These are just strategies that work for me, but if you find another strategy that feels more helpful and productive, give it a shot! I hope you and your mother work it out.
Nov 19, 2020 more
First of all, you need to examine your thoughts as to why you hate your mother. I have had to come to grips with my hatred towards my mother. Going through your thoughts and why you feel the way you do. Something caused these emotions. Make a list of the things that come to mind. What was sa, id or done? how did it make you feel? what was your response? As you do the investigating, you will be able to see a pattern. Once you are able to connect the dots to why you hate your mother. Then you can choose to reframe the thoughts you have concerning her. What I mean by that is to choose to accept that your mother may be doing her best
Maybe she is reacting to how she was treated, and that is the only way we all react. We live in a veil of unconsciousness. Not realizing that we are in a state of sleep while physically we are functioning as if we are awake. We are vibrational creatures and we send out vibes into the universe. Negative thoughts and actions come back to us but what we want is the Positive vibes to go out sending love and radiating light. So it is imperative to change how you feel toward your mother by making peace with the negative hate feeling, writing them out, and write a letter to your mom which you should destroy it when you finish. In the letter express all your emotions and feelings. Feel your feelings, accept them and then tell your self that you let go of that feeling or emotion and that you choose to send love and light to it. Practice this because it will take time to reprogram your mind.
Dec 26, 2020 more
Mother who gives you birth, we sometimes feel like our parents are superheros and we expect more to them. But they are human too. As all humans are different they are, some are rude , strict, moody, lonely, happy , cheering, dull, good, bad etc they can be any among them! Hence we should look at them like humans too. Find Reason to understand why you hate her? Or find the situation which makes you to hate her. Look the situation from her perspective then it would be easier to stop hating her. Try to understand her and try to see good sides.
Dec 30, 2020 more
Ask yourself if hating her has benefitted you. Does it help you or are you mostly being distracted from what you need to do and hurting yourself? Try to find a positive from this. You didn't specify why you hate her, but if she was a bad parent, at least you know how to not treat your own children. Be thankful for whatever positive you can find out of this. Try to find it in yourself to forgive her if you can't forget what she did to you. I hope you find a way to get along with your mother.
Jan 1, 2021 more
The times I despise my mom are when she shares this attitude of "I am always right." Whenever I would make a comment in our conversation about something, she would say, "no that's not it.." and knock down what I said. She would also become upset over the littlest things such as when I make the wrong turn when I drive that I feel like I am walking on eggshells. Nevertheless, despite these things, I love my mom. There have been more times of her being the best mom than times of her being the "worst mom" by being harsh or unfair. Without a doubt, she jumps on taking care of me when I am sick, defends me in front of others, and supports my future and independence. She buys me desk heaters when I tell her the day before that I feel cold sometimes, she gets me cake when she knows I am on my period, and she considers the best for me always. During the times I despite my mom, I think about the times she has shown unconditional love.
Jan 6, 2021 more
Hate is a strong word and emotion. When I use it it usually means that I really care about something that was negatively impacted by someone elses actions. But that is the key, we need to separate the actions from the person. We need to remember that people are human and can make mistakes. I like to focus on people's intentions. I ask my self the following questions: Did they mean to hurt me? Are they capable of loving me the way I need? What are they missing in their life that prevents them for giving love the way they need to receive it? When I am able to stop reacting to my emotional disappointment in someones behavior I can then start to forgive them for being flawed and be more compassionate towards them as human being struggling with there own problems.
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