How to stop hating your mother?
Feb 22, 2020 more
I wish I could say it was easy, but unfortunately there is no method to completely change your feelings towards your mother, or anybody for that matter.
The best way to overcome negative feelings or disdain for somebody close in your life is to directly address your grievances and issues with that person. Whether it was abuse or violation of trust, it is important to remember your mother is human and is bound to make mistakes, like the rest of us. Always remember to make the decisions that are in your best interest. We heal when we transcend dwelling on negative feelings. Rekindling your relationship eventually heals you, as well.
Mar 12, 2020 more
know that she restricts you and screams at u cuz she was scared and cardful of u, she loves you no matter what.your mothdr raised you to become who you are today so make sure you thank her for all the effort and love she provided while you where young to give you a happy life that you deserve. Sometimes as kids we want everything because we believe that we know whats good for us. but our mother knows whats best because shes older with more experience and knows the conequences of the decisions and so sometimes we disagree with those decisions but in the end, we realise the hard way that they were right. love them and cherish while you still have them around you
Apr 5, 2020 more
You must let go of the past, and be grateful for what she has given you. Even if the negatives far outweigh the positives, you must do this. If one does not let go of the past they are being hypocritical. Suppose your mother verbally abused you, or did something you did not approve of many times. Do you find it helpful when she brings up the past? Letting go of the past also resolves you of anger that you are reliving. If you ruminate about how much you hate your mother you are giving others power over your mind without them even trying; imagine that! What I prescribe is forgiving them for their human errors even if they are terrible. It will ultimately help you if you let this enormous weight off your cognitive shoulders.
Apr 8, 2020 more
Why do you hate your mother? Let's not forget, without her, you wouldn't be alive today. Without her, no one would have fed you as a newborn or taught you how to walk and talk. No one in this world loves you and knows you as much as your mom. If your mom has physically hurt you, or emotionally abuses you, then maybe it is not a bad idea to distance from your mother. But be mature and open-minded. Understand how not everyone has healthy brain chemistry and everyone has experienced things that changed some more than others. You do not have to call or visit your mom, but do not hate her. Just for your own peace of mind, she is your birth-giver.
Apr 16, 2020 more
Most mothers are not experienced. They have to learn on the job. We expect our mothers to be super humans who has answers for everything. But we fail to see their struggle. Some mother succeed while other fail even after their best efforts. It might be difficult to stop hating our mothers as it stems from our childhood disappointments. However, if we try to think of them as humans and give them the benefit of the doubt, it would reduce the anger to some extent. We tend to dependent on our parents for all kinds of support and the disappointment is understandable.
Apr 23, 2020 more
It is difficult to stop hating your mother especially when you have been holding grudges for years. However, I think what makes a person step back and reflect about hating his or her mother is the love and the compassion his or her mother has given them throughout his or her life despite the ups and downs in his or her personality. Mothers are supposed to be forgiving despite their children's issues. It is easier said than done but that is how I refrain from hating my mother; I reflect on both of the good and bad things my mother has done.
Apr 25, 2020 more
well start off with why you hate her , make a list of all she has done. then make a list of all the good she has done. and see if the good can way out the bad and forgive her. if not take the list to your mother and talk with her about it . see if you both can over come it. talking is best here. hope you both can lay it all out and hopefully come to some kind of forgiveness. if not at least you tried your very best and can move on from it.
Apr 29, 2020 more
Hate is a feeling which just appears and there are also reasons why we hate a particular person and its much deeper if it's someone like a mother. Speaking to the person helps a lot just like attending therapy or talking to someone about it. Also try focusing on the good side of that person because you like someone but all of a sudden hate them. Which means, you've forgotten everything good about that person even if its little without considering. So bassically, I'm trying to say, don't hate anyone cause of one or more mistake, we don't know what their going through, be more open with them and make them open up.
Apr 30, 2020 more
I read a book recently that really spoke to me. It said that you should always show love towards someone. You should do this even when they don't deserve your love and you don't particularly like them at that time. Because the more you love them and see small things in them which you can love then you'll come to love them. It's hard to explain but it works both ways. If you're constantly hating on something or someone and always picking out the flaws and putting them down, then your feelings of hatred towards that thing or that person will only intensify making you hate them even more. Try showing some love and being the bigger person to stand up and shine. You'll be surprised by the results.
May 16, 2020 more
Hate is a normal emotion to have toward another individual, especially a mother. Most of the time it is safe to hate mother because she is family. One thing I have found that helps with overcoming hatred is forgiveness. Forgiving yourself or someone else erases the hatred out of the body. It is impossible to feel calm and angry at the same time. Try to think of things that you like about your mother or why you feel such a strong emotion toward her. Talk with her about what happened, express how you feel. There are plenty of valid reasons to feel hatred but it is not healthy to hold onto the feeling for too long.
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