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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 21, 2016 more
My little sister and I do our best to understand each other. I /don't/ hate my little sister. In fact, we're best friends. I usually try to place myself in my little sister's shoes, and do my best to cherish our relationship. She's a precious girl that I've been given the privilege of being able to call "sister".
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 27, 2016 more
If she's younger, she may not realize what she's doing. Talk with her or maybe your parents about it. Being at home will become stressful if you're in a close environment with her, and you'll find yourself getting annoyed at her and maybe other members of your family a lot quicker than usual.
Profile: AmicableBud
AmicableBud on Jul 3, 2016 more
The word 'little' is a keyword here, if she's younger than me I'd like to play my elder sibling role being more responsible, she's little now but when she'd grow up she'll think of me a good brother/sister and will love me. I'd do anything to protect her from the wrong people, time will teach her about respecting elders. I will care for her and love her even when she's angry with me, because we're family and that's what we do :)
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Apr 8, 2016 more
There must be a reason why you hate her, find out the key reason and deal with it. She is your sister and no matter what you do and where u go she will always be. So learn to forgive and let go to have a better relationship.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 11, 2016 more
Ok, so I deal with this as well. But I kinda have an explanation (based on my religion, but I am no trying to impose it to anyone, just the explanation might help): we usual reencarnate with people that we must work past life problems with; so, I suppose I had huge problems with my brother. I remember myself everyday that he doesn't have this knowledge therefore I can help raise him into someone good and not let him keep being this person that for a few reasons makes me hate them. So, I teach him about matters that are important to me (e;g; lgbtq+. feminism,...). However, is important for you to know that even though if you work on your hate you'll be evolving, feeling anger eventually is OKAY, is human, it's okay for you to not like anyone. You can work on your hate, and still you don't have the obbligation of loving her. Just letting the hate go is a huge step; xx
Profile: kindMoment44
kindMoment44 on May 6, 2016 more
Think of how cute they were when they were younger. Then remind yourself what you were like at their age, and try to think of their needs. Most of the time, as elder siblings, we are more selfish and fail to see how our actions may affect our younger siblings. Be kinder, tolerant, and realise that you were once as, if not more annoying at that age.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 9, 2016 more
Think about this: Hate is such a horrible feeling. Maybe you have your reasons but it's not healthy to hate your sister. Try to erase that feeling and think about good things of her.
Profile: BronaghC
BronaghC on Aug 12, 2016 more
Hate is a strong word. You're probably just annoyed with her. You have to realise that she is your sister, one of the strongest relations of them all. Remember that she is only little and she honestly in all sense of the word is clueless compared to most. Be patient and what I like to do is just observe her, know that she is living too. Remember she wont be small forever, so try to build a connection at a young age because you might regret it at later years.
Profile: keepitrealbri
keepitrealbri on Apr 17, 2016 more
Well first off you need to try to pin point why you think you hate her? Once you have piece that together well now its time to find a solution. This hate is actually hurting you, stressing you out and eating at you. Try to find an outlet for your anger, Like working out or music or writing whatever you like to do when you are stressed out.
Profile: RoseAngel
RoseAngel on Feb 24, 2017 more
Firstly, assess the reason behind the hate - have she done something offending towards you or does she have a habit that you dont like or are you jealous of her (she gets more attention/love) -- To move on you need to be honest with yourself and ask what is the reason? If this is something her fault then talk to them -- tell her the truth and try to mend the relationship. If its your own inferiority then you need to work on yourself.
Profile: justanotherteenhelping
justanotherteenhelping on Apr 24, 2016 more
hate is a strong word,and for your family you don't hate, you love her,try and forget the way she is
Profile: Legionnaire1
Legionnaire1 on May 25, 2016 more
Family is important, and siblings can indeed really push our buttons sometimes. But having a sibling can be a wonderful thing too. It is someone who is in your house who can be a friend who is around a lot, someone you can rely on and also be there for. Every relationship even friendships and sibling relationships benefits from communication, if your younger sibling is doing something to make you upset, then you have to let them know and let them know that it hurts your feelings. Then explore solutions to move past that issue, if this is young siblings, parents can be great to assist in this regard. If we are talking about adult siblings then do something nice for your sister, or suggest you both get coffee and treat her before you tell her why you are feeling the way you do. I think that could lead to some pretty surprising positive results.
Profile: mindfulBeing92
mindfulBeing92 on Apr 14, 2016 more
Allowing yourself to love your family no mater what, and understanding that they too, are only humans, and are allowed to make mistakes just as you are.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 22, 2016 more
its too easy simply just start to love her. And accept the realty don't compare yourself with anyone.
Profile: SoothingMelinda
SoothingMelinda on Apr 24, 2016 more
Try to talk to her, get to know her better, relate to her as much as possible. Remember, feelings go both ways, and try to feel how she is feeling. If you still cannot stand her, then maybe limit your time with her, but still be calm and casual. Just because you have specific feelings about her, doesn't meant that you have o make her and other people's day bad as well. Hope this helps! :)
Profile: heretohelp177
heretohelp177 on Apr 27, 2016 more
Sometimes hating a sibling is all we seem to do but try to remember the good memories. Like the time you went fishing or when she was learning to cook.
Profile: 1000years
1000years on May 4, 2016 more
In order to stop hating your little sister, perhaps is a good idea to play with her, share time toguether...
Profile: simran14
simran14 on May 4, 2016 more
By starting to love her. Dont think that u have become less imp because of her you are equally imp and will be. Dont be jealous just love her
Profile: ALStella
ALStella on May 12, 2016 more
Start loving them, you can't change people, but you can only love them. And you can walk away, but it won't make anything better. You decide.
Profile: relieffromthestrees
relieffromthestrees on Mar 8, 2017 more
Sibling rivalry has been around for as long as there have been siblings. If you're an older sibling, you likely find some of your younger counterpart's behavior frustrating. Little sisters can be annoying. Sometimes they are still learning how to behave with maturity. Sometimes their behavior tempts you to use immature tactics yourself! Fortunately, you can lesson the annoying impact of your little sister's behavior by remembering one important fact: she looks to you as a role model.[1] Respond to your sister's annoying qualities with maturity, and encourage her when she behaves well. Soon you'll find that she annoys you less -- and you'll enjoy your sibling relationship more.
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