How can I make my family understand that I'm not seeking attention and just trying to get the help I need?
Apr 26, 2020 more
Communication is key. I suggest sitting them down and clearly voicing out exactly what areas you need help in and discussing the issues you're going through. Try not to get side tracked, clarity and getting your message across is the goal. I know that when dealing with family sometimes being heard can be difficult either because they constantly interject or try to turn the conversation into something it isn't. Keep calm throughout the entire thing and just remember you've got this. You are awesome and just as worthy of love, attention and care as any body else. You deserve to be heard.
May 29, 2020 more
Sometimes your family don’t understand what you’re going through, it takes time. You have to be patient with them. Explain your emotions and your feelings, try and make them understand. Most importantly speak to someone who you feel will understand you better; someone you can trust. Families tend to use age as a reference for you not understanding the real world; they forget that you are also a being with human emotions. Be patient with your family because they could be new to this also, you need to help each other get through this. Don’t go through it alone.
Jul 1, 2020 more
Try sitting down with them and talking more in detail about how you are feeling and what you need support with. Communication is a big part of letting your family know what they can do to help. Try sitting everyone down together and starting simple building up to the big thing, making sure they know what you need from them and what would help you feel most comfortable. Talking to a close friend to ask for advice on what to do always helps me too. And if your family still doesnt understand, your school is always there to help as well with councilors
Aug 9, 2020 more
As a person with toxic parents I might help. Next time you're feeling low don't make them figure it out but make them listen to you and tell them exactly how are you feeling in that moment and the cause of it. They must realize that you're suffering and it is already in that point where you are afraid that you can't do it alone. Give them examples just as if they were in your place. You need to stand up for yourself and tell them. If it won't work help yourself and believe me, when they see you doing something about it they will understand. (hope it goes well)
Aug 14, 2020 more
First, that's great that you recognize that you need help, it's a big first step to take towards better mental health. We all deserve some kind of support. With family members they can sometimes be in denial with someone needing helping, thus ignoring. They want you to feel your best so it's easier to "ignore" if you say otherwise.
The best thing you can do is keep on advocating for yourself and your needs. You know how your situation the best and can use your voice. So, use your words to the best of your ability. How can you do this so they will listen? Find the time where life is not being rushed. Maybe this is after dinner, in a car, or setting up some time on the phone. Some bad times to have this conversation is right before an event, or anyone leaving to go to work. By setting up this time your family will recognize you're being serious.
Another way of communicating is through writing. Writing might be an easier way of communicating for you. A note that is describing how you are doing will also show that your serious. In both writing and talking it's best to be direct and assertive while stating your needs. One time might not be enough but it's possible to get through to them.
I hope talking to them gets you the help that you need. Everyone deserves and needs support in their life. Keep advocating for yourself.
Aug 22, 2020 more
Show them that you genuinely want help and explain to them that it's important for you. Explain in depth your situation and what sort of help that you need, maybe try your best to show them that you haven't been yourself lately and that these problems are taking a toll in your life and that you've tried dealing with it all by yourself but it isn't that easy and you would really appreciate their support, I'm sure the family would understand and do what they can to help and support you. Just take it step by step and think about what to say to them first.
Sep 13, 2020 more
When people don't believe your struggles, sometimes it's helpful to show them. Being open about how your problems are affecting your daily life is a great way to show your family that you are not seeking attention and that you really do need help. When people are feeling terrible emotions and going through a lot of stress, sometimes they hide their emotions and put on a brave face. It's important to be open and honest about your struggles with your family so that they can properly gage how to help you. You could also try speaking to someone outside your family about your struggles. Hearing that you need help from an outside source could be another extra push to show your family that you need help.
Sep 17, 2020 more
You can explain to them that you are not feeling well mentally. You can explain that just because they cannot see what is wrong with you, does not mean that there is not anything wrong. You are still going through something and you can help to show them by sitting down and having a meaningful conversation with them about your feelings and what it is that Is effecting you. You can also try to explain what has made you feel the way that you do, if you understand it yourself. If you do not understand it then you can explain that to them as well.
Nov 11, 2020 more
Communication is playing a very important role in making them understand your needs and feelings, discuss with them, and try to get their support and help. I am sure they will understand, they are your parents and they want all the best for you. Acknowledge that there may be a reason behind their feelings that has nothing to do with you. There are lots of reasons that a person may not be able to understand a condition like depression.Don't let mental health stigma prevent you from getting the help and support that you need. Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms of depression.
Dec 6, 2020 more
Sometimes family can be stubborn and think they have you all figured out, so it's hard to get them to understand the way you feel. If you live in stable family conditions where you know your family genuinely cares about you, I recommend you sit down and have a talk with the member you're most comfortable with and highlight your frustration, open up completely to them to try to let them understand your point of view. If you've already attempted this or it doesn't work out, remember that you don't always need your family to understand just yet and that there are many other people out there that want to hear about your feelings and care about you that you can reach out to :)
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