How can I get my parents to stop yelling at me for everything?
323 Answers
Moderated by Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
Updated: Jun 2, 2022
Mar 22, 2017 more
Your parents are yelling at you as they care. By explaining how you feel to them they may take a break and realise what they are doing
Mar 23, 2017 more
Try to establish why they are yelling at you and try to find out what you are doing wrong. Once you accept and learn that what you are doing is wrong, you could slowly start to change the things you do that upset your parents and show that you do care and you do listen to what they say. After you have worked on this, your relationship with them will slowly start to build to be a strong relationship.
Mar 23, 2017 more
When parents yell, it can be scary, intimidating, or just annoying. Whether or not you have done something to deserve being yelled at, it is important to listen to what your parent is saying, stay calm enough that you do not lash out in return, and respond in a way that will stop the yelling from starting up again.
Mar 30, 2017 more
To stop my parents from yelling at me I would start with talking to them calmly explaining that it's hurting my feelings and I need them to stop doing it.
Apr 2, 2017 more
i relate to this soooo much. this may not work for your particular situation, but here are some tips:
1. reply in a calm voice
2. when they aren't fired up (or if they always are, a little calmer) and explain how you feel
3. tell them how it feels in a way you know they;ll understand. (do they have a soft spot that you know of?)
4. sometimes it just takes time, and despite how frustrating it may be it may take them time to have their "ah-hah" moment when they realize how you feel when they are constantly yelling at you,
Apr 28, 2017 more
It is important for you to talk to your parents about their behavior, and it's effect on you. They may be overwhelmed and unhappy, but that does not give them the right to verbally abuse you. There is absolutely no excuse for this behavior, and you should not tolerate it.
May 14, 2017 more
As a child when my mother would yell at me for seemingly everything, I slowly learned that I had to understand her better and why she was yelling. I couldn't do this by asking her questions and some of the behaviors she was yelling about I didn't know how to change so I had to simply observe my mothers emotional state and let her know I care about her no matter what she is feeling about me. That often diffused the situation. At other times I had to go to my room and avoid her unless she called for me.
Jun 30, 2017 more
Maybe you need to sit down and have a talk with them about how this is making you feel. If you can't bring yourself to say it out loud, you could write a letter to them.
Jul 14, 2017 more
Talk to your parents about what you're doing and why they believe yelling is the answer. Also, include how you feel when they yell at you
Jul 26, 2017 more
You can try talking to them. Sit them down and have an honest talk and tell them that their behavior is hurting you. Good parents will want to change.
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