Why is exercise important for me?
Jul 8, 2020
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Exercise is important because it helps you feel rejuvenated and more energized. It does not only help you physically but it also helps you mentally. By exercising, your brain is staying healthy and many endorphins aka happy molecules are being released. However, it can be hard to find motivation to exercise and it is hard for many people, so you are not alone at all. Think of all the benefits you will get from having a healthy exercise routine that does not overwork you or exhaust you than not having an exercise routine. I hope this helped you out
Jul 18, 2020
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The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. Regular exercise helps prevent or manage many health problems and concerns as well as improve cognitive function. Finally, physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.
You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.
Jul 24, 2020
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The Mind-Body connection has long been recognised as essential for one's well-being. However, nany people like Descartes viewed these as separate entities and believed that the mind(nonphysical)exists distinctly from the body(physical).This revolutionized science into today's analytical methodology where the body is systematically studied. However, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to conclude that thoughts affect us in surprising ways. Likewise, our physical states affect our wellness. Exercising de-stresses our bodies,improves our general health and resets our tangled minds. It essentially boosts our mental health by maintaining flexibility. By applying simple exercise routines in our daily lives, we could enjoy the benefits of a clearer mind and a fitter body. In the practise of well-being, what matters is how we reduce the anxieties, stresses, and perserve sanity. Exercise is the key to keeping stresses in balance n worthy of our time investment.
Aug 7, 2020
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Exercise is important because it's not only the act of caring for your body but also challenging it. That, over time, if you keep working it, it can do great things. For me, it has been a mental journey and I feel better after doing it and it has improved my self-esteem. Even when I don't want to exercise, my self-confidence is improved because I can do things despite not "feeling like it". Exercise is important for the mind, body and spirit. Exercise is also know to boost your mood, improve your cardiovascular health, increase discipline, ect. It has increased discipline for me because I see the small results and I want to keep going
Aug 14, 2020
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It's extremely beneficial to one's health as well as mental health by experience less low moods. Although it's not easy to get into a habit of exercising if you are living alone, I personally had to add it into my daily routine before I got use to continuously exercising- gym type of exercise wise. Though if you have a favourite sport then definitely try it out! Perhaps finding a local team to join. Most of the sports group are really friendly so there's no need to worry, for instance, I joined a local team when I was 16. Despite my young age, I was treated as an equal rather than someone to leave out!
Aug 21, 2020
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Exercise is important to maintain a healthy body, both mentally and physically. Mentally I am able to unwind from any stressors during the day and solely focus on the act of working out. Physically I keep my body in better health, which is one way I can reduce stress. Knowing my body is well taken care of is key to reducing any overarching worries I can have in my life. In totality, I take great satisfaction in knowing that working out helps keep my body in its best possible state so that I can enjoy life to its fullest.
Aug 23, 2020
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When I find the motivation to exercise to start is a good feeling. During workouts may not be fun but how I view my self after is. I feel good I did something productive and good for my body. Honestly, it makes me happy. After I get home and feel more awake. And when my legs or arms are sore i know i did something right. After a run i feel a high and during I only focus on the activity. It's like nothing else in the world matters. I wish I found myself working out more because I know it's healthy for me.
Aug 30, 2020
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Exercise in general is important for people for many reasons. Exercise has many benefits (surprisingly not only physical!) as well as that it is crucial for certain functions.
Exercise comes in many forms.... From walking to high intensity work outs. Some people benefit from different types and certain exercises fit lifestyles better than others.
Exercise generally is important to keep your body healthy, exercising moves your muscles and bones keeping your muscles defined and movement in your joints healthy. This is important to keep you at optimum health and allows you to carry things and move long distances.
As well as just keeping your body healthy in that way, exercise increases blood flow helping reduce heart issues and fat build up in arteries, as well as burning fat so you maintain a healthy weight!
Not only does exercise help that but multiple studies and articles I've read have proven that exercise has a positive effect on our mental wellbeing as well. Making us feel good about ourselves and giving us time to think.
Sep 9, 2020
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Exercise is like a meditation. It keeps you , not only fit, but also helps you to be Active all throughout the day. It helps to cure many problems like depression and help you to live happily. Try exercising for a month you will experience a lot of changes in yourself. Trust me from an underconfident guy you can be a Confident guy just by exercising. Also, do not try to over burden yourself by doing vigorous exercise. Everything in excess can be very risky. Exercise is done best in morning. It helps you to become disciplined in your life.
Sep 9, 2020
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Exercise brings many benefits to your body. There is really NO negative side of exercising (with excepts of course, like working out a lot and not giving your body rest). Exercise is also good for you mind, clear your head, improve your immune system, strengthen lungs, heart and blood circulation. The best part of exercise is that: not confined to a location like a gym. You can ride bicycle, take dance classes, go hiking, take walks, do yoga, join a club and make friends. Working out with somebody is a good way to keep yourself motivated and on track.
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